We would rather believe fluffy lies than accept uncomfortable truths. I get it, I am just as guilty in wanting my cake and eating it as well. The UNCOMFORTABLE truth is that if you want to get TOTALLY HEALTHY, for some that may involve losing weight, for others that may mean getting their life in order, you need consistent discipline. If discipline makes you a tad uncomfortable, think self-control.



You are accountable and responsible for the condition of your life. Again, this may not sit well with you; however, if you desire sustainable healthy change in your life and health, you must ACCEPT one hundred percent your culpability for the current condition of your life. No one forced you to make any of the NEGATIVE or UNHEALTHY choices that you have been consistently making. The reality is you have been making those choices because you did not want to tolerate a second of discomfort or dis-ease.

PAUSE – B.R.E.A.T.H.E., then realize that you have the power to make healthier and positive choices going forward from this point.

I hear you loud and clear: “But I have been doing this for so long, I cannot change now.” You cannot change now on your own; however, you have a spirit of power, love, and a strong mind that can help you accomplish all things.


It is great to have a plan, a goal, or a milestone; however, when we start focusing too far into the future, we do two things:

  1. We miss living in the moment
  2. We start creating feelings of fear, overwhelm, or panic

Focus on the next healthy thing or step to take in this moment. Go back to basics.

  1. Did I drink enough water today?
  2. Did I move my body enough today?
  3. Did I take time to check in with my spiritual needs?
  4. What about my emotional and mental needs?
  5. Am I striving when I should be thriving?
  6. Am I doing instead of being?

We live in a world that is constantly encouraging us, either directly or indirectly, to DO more. Perhaps it is time to realize that it’s not doing that we need to focus on but rather it’s BEING.


My favorite acronym is C.A.R.E., and it is appropriate because when we shift our mindset from doing to one of being, we realize that we need to be more compassionate, accepting, respectful, and empathetic not only to others but also to ourselves.

The only emergency is when your lack of action means the difference between life and death for self or others. That means that you need to learn to prioritize better and decrease the feeling of stress that you are creating. Sometimes the best response is, “NO.” If you desire sustainable healthy change, you must practice consistent discipline. A good place to start is:

  1. Set healthy boundaries
  2. Have non-negotiables
  3. Learn to practice forgiveness
  4. Be realistic


There are however some facts about weight issues that everyone should know. The organs in our bodies communicate with each other via the production and release of chemicals. When our bodies stop responding appropriately to these chemicals, we begin to develop physical problems and issues like weight gain and other diseases. Of major importance to our TOTAL HEALTH is our gut microbiome. Four things we need to pay attention to are [D.FAQ]:

  1. Duration of eating
  2. Frequency of eating
  3. Amount we eat
  4. Quality of what we eat
