Find out why you keep making the same UNHEALTHY choices even when that is not what you want to do.
The strongest foundation on which to build the best you is your spiritual belief system.
These articles provide insight and support to help you improve your spiritual alignment.
12 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger
Learn from your elders and learn from anyone who has more experience than you. However, remember, to be wise we must live what we know to be true.
Why Spiritual Clarity Is Important For Peace
What price are you willing to pay? What are you willing to lose?
How To Spiritually Improve Your Self-Control
The spiritual way to improve self-control-starts with recognizing your source of strength and power.
The Battle Is Between Fear And Love
Maintain your joy, peace, and contentment daily. Always choose from a state of love.
Everything Bad Comes From One State
When you choose, decide or act from a state of fear, you will often have unhealthy consequences [you will compromise your total health]. Learn to discern when fear is controlling your life.