Discover the best and easiest way to reclaim your self-worth, overcome fear, and start living abundantly.
My unique approach to help middle-aged Christian women gain TOTAL HEALTH in mind, body, and soul.
Is this you, or does this sound familiar?
  1. Life is passing you by and you feel stressed all the time, leading to unhappiness and decreased health.
  2. Sleepless nights caused by anxiety and worry leave you drained, seeking reassurance so you can rest.
  3. Life feels empty and you hope something will inspire you to make the effort to take that first step towards living a more fulfilling life.
  4. Feeling disappointed about the choices you’ve made and hoping to get a fresh start.
  5. Frustrated with the lack of direction, you desire satisfaction and a sense of purpose in your life.
  6. Crippled by fear, you avoid change because you are scared of losing everything you have worked so hard to gain.
Session Package Deals Available
Discover the best way to live from a state of abundance so that you can step forward with confidence!
Gain clarity and direction with The C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T. Approach®
  • Once you have a sense of direction, you are better able to focus your energy, which increases your professional and personal success in life.
  • When you have clarity about your needs you communicate more effectively, which enhances the quality of your relationships.
  • Rediscover your passion for life and feel excited about pursuing your dreams with a new sense of purpose, direction, and enthusiasm.
  • Develop a mindset of abundance where you see all the opportunities available for your growth and fulfillment.
  • Strengthen your spiritual foundation so you can have daily joy, peace, and contentment.
  • Improved self-confidence when you reclaim your worth and start living abundantly, no longer paralyzed by fear.
Improved quality of life when you live abundantly
  • Live in a state of abundance, which allows you to maintain your joy and peace no matter what life sends your way.
  • Greet each day boldly excited about your opportunities as you rediscover your self-worth and assurance.
  • Be more grateful and openly share appreciation and love with friends and family thereby enhancing the quality of your relationships.
  • Experience the abundance of life as you no longer sweat the small stuff and your sleepless nights disappear.
  • Nourish your mind, body, and soul by improving your emotional, mental, and physical health as you gain understanding, and live abundantly.
  • Enjoy a sense of calm, that has long been missing, once you know your true purpose and pursue it with passion.
Session Package Deals Available
Live in a state of abundance, which allows you to unlock your full potential, abundance awaits you.
Session Packages
Gain IMMEDIATE access and start living more abundantly!
Please click on the package you wish to purchase.

The C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T. Approach® early bird price
is available until September 30th.
The full price for the 8-Sessions Package is usually $1,997; however, our summer sale price is now $1,497.
Take the first step today to the satisfied and happier you.
The TOTAL HEALTH Philosophy of The C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T. Approach®
TOTAL HEALTH is the only successful way of feeling unwavering confidence in mind, body, and soul to reclaim your worth and live abundantly.
The C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T. Approach® is based on the premise that you achieve TOTAL HEALTH when you get healthy in four distinct pillars and strengthen your spiritual foundation, which requires complete spiritual alignment.
It is a wholistic integrative process, which combines spiritual alignment and science to address the health of the mind, body, and soul.
4 Pillars of Health
  1. Spiritual Pillar: deals with the strength of your spiritual beliefs. Your spiritual beliefs impact the decisions you make in life,
    which ultimately affects your happiness. This pillar also focuses on the integrity of your spiritual foundation.
  2. Psychological Pillar: relates to your emotional intelligence and your ability to tolerate emotional discomfort. This also includes your mental framework and mindset. How you respond when you do not get what you want will determine whether you achieve your full potential or not. It will also dictate whether you suffer or struggle needlessly to achieve your goals.
  3. Physical Pillar: considers your physical health. Since all four pillars are intimately connected, if you are physically unhealthy, there will be added stress [psychological as well as financial], which further destroys your joy and peace.
  4. Financial Pillar: one of the biggest stressors in life is our financial wellbeing. When your finances are in disarray, your stress is often high, which takes a toll, spiritually, physically, and psychologically.
Session Package Deals Available
Spiritual alignment precedes all positive life transformation.
Individual private coaching packages
  • Initial in-take questionnaire to assess the condition of your four pillars and foundation.
  • One-hour live and private session to structure a plan tailored to your specific needs.
  • A welcome email with your tailored blueprint.
  • Private weekly one-on-one sessions, where we address your concerns and progress. Each session is 60 minutes via ZOOM or phone as you desire.
  • A weekly email to help you uncover either areas of resistance, tools to help you cope better with stress, or information to help you connect the dots. Additional support is available for all my V.I.P coaching clients in our private Facebook group.
  • Daily access to me via email Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm EST [please allow up to 6 hours for a response, and note that I am not available on weekends]. All weekend correspondence will be answered the following Monday.
Be transformed into the unstoppable you!
  • Know your purpose and know which direction to take to achieve it.
    Have developed a more abundant mindset and gracious attitude.
  • You will have rediscovered your hidden skills and talents.
  • Change the unhealthy habits that were affecting your health and well-being. Have the tools to make consistently healthier choices daily.
  • Be able to step boldly and confidently forward, empowered by the discovery of the power within you.
Session Package Deals Available
Be empowered and confidently embrace TOTAL HEALTH.
My Story
Hello, my name is Dr. Susan Regisford; for 30 years I struggled to lose weight, feel happy, and be satisfied with my life. All the things I thought would make me happy did not. That is when I realized there was more to being happy than the number in your bank account or the number on the scale. I needed to have peace in mind, body, and soul. To achieve that, I had to discover and understand what was making me so unhappy and miserable. One day in frustration, I decided I had had enough, and that sent me on my quest to find the abundant life I had always heard about. That is how and why I created The C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T. Approach.® Today, I am 60 pounds lighter and feeling the most joy and freedom I have experienced since I was 4 years old. I am also currently studying to become a deaconess. By the way, after 30 years of practicing as a physician, I resigned. I walked away to fully embrace my abundant life and now my passion is to help you live abundantly.
This is for you if…
  • You do not want to feel this chronic sadness anymore and want to have abundant joy.
  • You’ve had it with being dissatisfied and want to feel utter contentment.
  • There is a nagging sense of dread or fear despite all the external trappings, and you desire joy and peace.
  • You are tired of drowning your pain in the bottom of a bottle, or burying your head in a tub of ice cream and want to feel excited and fully engaged in life again.
  • Your life has no sense of purpose or direction, and you desire more.
  • You are fed up with the empty feeling inside and want to feel a sense of fulfillment.
Session Package Deals Available
Examine your story and unlock your full potential.
This is not for you if…
  • You expect a quick fix.
  • If you are too busy to fully commit to investing in you [your health and happiness].
  • If you want to lose weight [while you may lose weight, The C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T. Approach® is geared towards your TOTAL HEALTH].
  • You believe, feel, or think that abundant living is all about money and not about your spiritual foundation.
Refund Policy
Recognizing that you are unique, our approach takes into account that change is individual and your progress will depend on your desire to achieve a lifestyle of maximum joy, peace, and contentment. Know that I am fully dedicated to you living your full potential.
If you make the commitment and honestly do the work and do not feel any change after 2 weeks of working with me, I will gladly refund your money, minus any fees paid to process your transaction.
Change is defined as a sense of excitement, a new perspective, or a belief that you are worth the investment. Please note that refunds are ONLY on multiple session packages.
Session Package Deals Available
Sustainable change begins when you transform your thinking and attitude.