If you are like most people, you do not like to deal with anything that stresses you out. Unfortunately, for most people who have avoided paying attention to their finances, the stress increases the longer you ignore it. There is no denying that the lack of sufficient funds is stressful; however, burying your head in the sand does not solve the problem.
Get On Top Of The Problem Today
I know the last thing you want to do right now is do a forensic accounting; however, it will be the best thing that you can do for your TOTAL HEALTH.
- Write down all your current debts
- Next write down what the minimum payment is each month
- Take a close look at your monthly income
- Take a closer look at your monthly spending
The number one financial rule that I live by is to make sure that I am spending less than my monthly income. Thus, before you do anything, take the time to reassess your financial budget. Know the bills that must get paid every month, [rent, mortgage, utilities, cell phone, car note, health insurance, and groceries], and know the total. Then take your income and subtract that total.
Spending Money Unnecessarily
Many people do not realize how they waste money, actually it is pretty much the same with eating. Many people do not realize how much they eat when they nibble a little here and a little there. By the end of the day, they would be shocked just how much they have consumed, well it’s the same with spending. Make a plan and stick to it. If you are trying to get out of debt, you will have to make some sacrifices.
A cup of coffee outside may only cost 2.50; however, if you buy seven cups of coffee per week that is 17.50. While that may seem like pocket change, consider using that money to buy the ingredients and make your coffee at home. Then fill your cup and take it with you. If you stop buying that daily cup of coffee, by the end of the year you would have saved 910.00. By the way, if you are buying more expensive coffee outside, you would have saved more by the end of the year. Maybe it’s not coffee, perhaps it is lunch. Same idea, make your lunch at home and take it with you. Perhaps it is buying clothes or gadgets you really do not need.
You Have To Eat And You Should Eat Well
Another mistake that many people make is thinking that eating well is too expensive. Eating healthy can be inexpensive when you learn to shop smart. Learn to shop for the non-perishables in bulk. When it comes to the perishables, only buy enough for two to three days. The reason is that if you cannot eat them within that time, they spoil, and you end up throwing them out and wasting your money.

Be Mindful Of Your Money Habits
Most people use credit cards for just about everything. Take the next credit card statement and look at it closely. Really examine where you spend your money. I like to see how long I can go each week without spending any cash or using my credit card. Why? If you have a budget and you stick to it, some days you don’t need to spend any money. If you see that you are spending money every day, then you need to re-examine your financial priorities.
Worrying about your finances is a major cause of stress. Stress as you know damages your TOTAL HEALTH. Thus, get control of your spending. Examine your attitude towards money and debt. Then change your habits by making a realistic plan and sticking to it daily.
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