It has been a difficult, frustrating, and painful year for many. The uncertainty about the future health of the world is weighing heavily on individual shoulders. Many who were skating on a thin surface of health are finding major cracks in their health. Their TOTAL HEALTH has been compromised and fear has crept in to worsen the situation.
A few weeks ago, I was at my lowest, lower than I was after the death of my brother, lower still than when my mother got sick. I found myself sinking into a pit of panic and fear. I had to S.T.O.P. and examine my story. I had allowed the false evidence that is appearing real to create doubt about my beliefs and values. I had forgotten the P.I.C. I am presenting to the world and myself. In the madness and confusion, I jumped right in and got lost, thankfully only for a brief time. Then I remembered where my joy, peace, and contentment came from. I remembered my source of power and strength. Most important, I remembered, that I had unconditional LOVE on my side. Instantly, the panic and fear receded.
I cannot say that the world is a healthy place when that is an UNTRUTH; however, I will not lose hope. My hope is not in this world, because this world is made up of humans who, just like me, have their flaws and their faults. This world is made up humans who are living lives based in lies and untruths, whose stories need to be revised. They are following the wrong M.A.P. and using faulty G.P.S. Sadly, all of this has happened because they have made their choices, and many have decided they WILL NOT CHOOSE FROM A STATE OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Let me make this absolutely clear, there is love and then there is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

We are often quick to say, “I love you,” but do you really love that person unconditionally? We love many people, places, and things; however, when we unconditionally love someone, we selflessly want the BEST for them. We help them get totally healthy by building them up and encouraging them to live their full potential. So, this Christmas season, remember, it is about the unconditional love of God, self, and each other. This is the ONLY LOVE that will heal our unhealthy world! Wishing you a JOYful Christmas!
Good one Susan! I wish you a Christmas filled with joy and A New Year that finds us happier and healthier.
Dear Alex, thank you. I am wishing you and your loved ones the same. Stay safe.
Have a blessed Christmas !. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you. I trust that you had a blessed Christmas as well. My pleasure.
My mission is to use my life experiences and my knowledge to encourage and help everyone, who so desires, to get TOTALLY HEALTHY!