Kindness is one of the nine fruit of the Holy Spirit. The goal of transformation is for us to be more Christ-like. However, we are human and often we fall short in our endeavor to be good. Nevertheless, we are to be mindful that the goal is to be our best, and not be perfect. Being perfect was a problem for me for decades until I realized my beliefs were not grounded in truth and love. God never expected us to be perfect on this earth, He simply calls us to be loving as best we can.
Love is the greatest commandment of our Heavenly Father. Therefore, it stands to reason that it is the first fruit of the Holy Spirit. Yet often we are cavalier in the use of this word. When we examine how we love ourselves and each other, it is mind boggling. In my journey to lose weight I came to realize that the foundation for any sustainable positive change is love. Thus, I ask the question: “Do you love yourself in the fullest sense?” Unconditional love is not about indulging in our every whim. Loving ourselves is the ability to fully accept ourselves as we are right now. It is not a response that is displayed ONLY when we get to some desired goal. Love is not dependent on any condition, it simply is.
The other fruit that we should eventually manifest as we grow in spiritual health are joy, peace, and longsuffering. I like to use patience instead of long suffering. We endure much and persevere when we are full of the spiritual fruit of patience. Then there is kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. There are people who can show kindness without being good inside. That is why we can never judge a book by the cover. God knows our heart. When we show kindness with ulterior motives, that is not goodness. Finally, there is gentleness and self-control.
Being kind is a behavior that is characterized by generosity, concern, consideration, and offering help without expecting anything in return. We act from the heart and not from our calculating minds about how this benefits us. We are kind because we are called to be kind. However, it is always important to be discerning. It is always interesting to notice that the other eight fruit are by-products of the first fruit, love. When we love unconditionally, we have daily joy and peace; we are patient and have self-control; and we act with kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness. EXAMINE YOUR STORY, what fruit are you bearing frequently or not at all.

God loves us and we love Him in return. God is kind to us even when our actions are not kind to Him.
- We are to be kind because God is ALWAYS kind to us.
- Our kindness manifest our spiritual health and growth.
- We are kind without expectation; however, we reap positive fruit from our kindness.
- God uses us as models for others. People model what they see.
My mother is an amazing woman. She was not perfect, and made some mistakes along the way just like you and I. However, she taught us by her actions how to be kind. The best traits in me come from my mother. However, all praise and glory to God, who continues to work on me daily. I am a work in progress folks. I will say that when we have clarity about our P.I.C., life becomes more joyful and peaceful. We learn to be content no matter what detours show up.
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