I have felt this way for an exceedingly long time. Actually, I started feeling this way between the age of 8-10, and that feeling lingered well into my adult years. Looking back now through the eyes of wisdom, and that is tongue in cheek by the way, I realize why some people may think that there is something different about or wrong with them.
There is nothing wrong with you and there is absolutely something different about you. Embrace your difference, because the Creator, God, chose to make each and every one of us as a unique representation of Him. Sit with this for a moment. Reflect on the significance of this and realize that you are UNIQUE; therefore, each of us is different. Stop letting that difference be a deterrent or believe it is a detriment. Instead, let your difference be a source of inspiration and empowerment. Think of what ONLY you can bring into this world. Think of all the things that only you can offer and share with this world. Your difference my dear sister and brother in Christ is your gift. We live in a world that encourages diversity, but really has no concept of the true meaning of diversity. However, that is a topic for a different platform.
I could not answer that one. You will have to ask Him when you meet Him in heaven. However, I have an inkling that it is to glorify God and give us a hint of the magnitude of His greatness. As I continue to process the grief associated with the recent loss of my beloved mother, I find myself asking even more questions. For all my fellow classmates who got frustrated when I raised my hand to ask another question, I hope you realize that I learn by understanding, and I understand by asking questions. It does not mean that I always get my questions answered. There are a ton of questions that I have asked that remain unanswered. Here is what I do know. We are human and we make mistakes. There are bad and good traits in ALL of us. Are there terribly bad people? YES! However, even a terribly bad person can be saved by God. That is the real good news that I want to share through my blog, books, counseling, and guest speaking.

Many of us go through life without thinking about the consequences of our actions. Perhaps it is better to say, without fully appreciating the consequences of our actions. I know I did. Why is that? We do not fully appreciate the beautiful gift that we have been given. We get caught up in the shiny things of this world. Here’s what I realized as I watch my vibrant mother lose her vitality physically and spiritually over the last ten years. ALL of this that we invest in is for nought. It will fade to dust; it will deteriorate and rot. Furthermore, you leave it all behind when you die. The only thing of true value that we have is our soul. That is what we as humans should be interested in valuing the condition of our souls. I am just as guilty as the next because I did not understand. I was caught up in my anger and pain. What I now realize is that my anger and pain propelled me to search for answers, propelled me to seek the only authority that can answer me, the Creator, God.
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