Learn To Be In The Moment For Your Total Health

It is a fact that if you are not living in the moment, you are either stuck in your painful past or frantically worrying about your future. Every moment that goes by with you NOT being fully present, is a precious gift of time and life that you can never get back. I do not like labels, because improperly used, they can limit your potential. I was a worrier, I spent most of my free time worrying frantically about what could and would happen in the future. Then based on these fictitious scenarios, I created a whole bunch of emotions and feelings: anxiety, tension, stress, and fear.



First and foremost, we miss a ton of opportunities to be fully engaged in life. We also miss opportunities to be the BEST version of ourselves. Living consistently in your painful past or frantically worried about your uncertain future, leaves your body in a state of chronic stress. With chronic exposure to the stress chemicals (cortisol, adrenaline, etc.), you increase your chance of developing cardiovascular problems, tension headaches, insomnia, GI problems, and weight gain. If there is a disease state, we can find a link to chronic stress chemicals, because this state also negatively impacts our immune system.


Many people struggle to be in the moment. They do not want to face the reality or the truth of their life. First, you will never be able to change your state and life without an honest assessment and acceptance of your current life. Our current state of life and health are cumulative results of the choices that we have been making consistently. Think of your body as the home of your self and the Holy Spirit. Then really examine the things you are ALLOWING into that home. Are those things you really want in your home? If you are treating your house and your car better than you treat your body, then it is time to ask the question: “Why do you value your house or car more than you value your body?” Start with love and then practice acceptance. No matter the state you are in currently, you are still valuable and worthy to God.


Many people struggle to be in the moment because they suffer from the “not enough syndrome.” They are NEVER satisfied with what they have or have accomplished, because they believe, think, or feel they are never enough or will never be enough. This is one of the four negative core beliefs that drives many people to poor total health. Is this you? Is there a belief buried deep inside that you are NOT ENOUGH or will never be enough? If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you must come to the realization that a belief of “not enough” is an untruth. It is a ploy to keep you distracted from the reality and truth, which is you are enough, and you already have EVERYTHING you need to live abundantly. Yet, getting to this mindset that accepts God’s love is very difficult for many, who spend way too much time focused on the things of this world rather than the spiritual realm of their existence.


You are a child of God, created in His image. Although you have a physical body, you are also imbued with the divine spiritual being of the Holy Spirit. Lose the attachment to the physical and start to fully embrace your spiritual essence. That is how we are able to be in the present, fully engaged, joyful, at peace, and content. It may take a little work, but with practice, you let go and TRUST God fully.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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