I am a work in progress folks. This journey called life is the best teacher, when we are willing to open our hearts, minds, and souls to the lessons being taught. The question I have always asked myself is, “Why are you so impatient?” Funny, because I was so impatient, I never stuck around long enough to LISTEN to the answers.
- We cannot fix what has gotten out of alignment or damaged, if we don’t know what the issue is.
- We will not know what the issue is if we are AFRAID OR UNWILLING to listen.
Being impatient makes us unable to uncover the answers we already have because we never allow ourselves the time to listen to the Great I AM present in each and every one of us.
Thus, I go back to asking the question, “Why am I so impatient?” It was not until recently that I realized that until you get back into alignment, the same issues will keep cropping up until you address them.
My impatience taught me that I was afraid. I was afraid of quite a few things that I had to unpack and closely examine through clear and healthy lens. It was a totally irrational fear in the PRESENT; however, because I was still very much connected to my past, it was triggering my childhood memories of pain.
So, what was I so afraid of? I believe that buried beneath most things that destroy our peace, that causes us dis-ease is a feeling of ‘not enough.’
The NOT ENOUGH DISEASE that drives so many people to try to fill the void with people, places, and things. The ironic thing is, we have ALWAYS been ENOUGH!
When we think or feel there is not enough, it creates in us a sense of LACK. Some people say PAUCITY. What happens when we lack things, we go searching to find what “we think is missing.” When you feel that you are ‘not enough’ as you are, you will constantly be seeking to find what you think is missing until you do two things:
- Love who you are at this moment unconditionally.
- Accept who you are at this moment unconditionally.
There is nothing lacking about you. While you may not have the job, relationship, success, or money that you think you NEED, know that your VALUE and WORTH are NOT dependent on other people, places, or things. I really think this is a good place to pause and reflect for a moment. Where are you thinking and feeling you are ‘not enough?’
If we are not careful, that ‘not enough’ feeling begins to wear and tear us down. You begin to find yourself tired for no apparent reason; you get so unmotivated, you do not want to get out of bed; you feel overwhelmed; or worse, you are feeling sick all the time. This is all because you are working overtime to become enough, hold down a full-time job, be a parent, and significant other. No wonder you are feeling overwhelmed, you have too much on your plate.
They say fake it until you make it. In this case I say start by saying every time you find yourself about to step down that automatic path of ‘not enoughness,’ that ‘I am a child of God.’ That becomes your anchor statement that keeps you grounded in reality and truth.
‘I am a child of God’ is significant because immediately you remember:
- your value
- your worth
- your power
- you are unconditionally loved
- you are unconditionally accepted
- you have been forgiven
- you are protected
- your DAILY needs will be met
- there is MORE than enough
- you are ENOUGH
- you have enough time to accomplish God’s plan for your life
- there is NO NEED to fear
- God is in control
- your thinking had gotten a bit twisted
Relax and let go of the thought that ‘not enough’ was ever a problem for you. Live each day with the knowing that ‘I am a child of God,’ and be confident that you are and were always ENOUGH!
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