I am the first to admit that waiting is NOT something I do well. However, I am also the first to say that some of my trials and tribulations could have been avoided if I had mastered the art of waiting. There is a saying I have come to embrace as I have matured, “don’t rush the brush.” If you are trying to achieve ANY goal or milestone, mastering the art of waiting is essential.
I would say without trust you are fighting a losing battle. That is how essential TRUST is for you to wait successfully. People mistakenly think it is trust in someone or themselves. In this scenario, the trust you must have is in Jesus Christ. Trust that he knows what is BEST for each of us. TRUST that He will provide. Trust that he will work all things out for good for those who call Him their Lord and Savior. He will ALWAYS make a way and meet our daily needs. Trust His timing is always perfect. That kind of trust is required for one to wait in hope and maintain their daily joy, peace, and contentment while waiting. Trust that God will give you to courage and strength to endure or resist the temptations of your flesh, the world, and the devil. Trust that you will not die if you do not eat in twenty-four hours. Trust that you already have EVERYTHING you need to live abundantly.
Many of us say that we accept, but the truth is we do not accept. We are constantly trying to change what is or what has happened. The reason for this is many still are confused about the meaning of acceptance. Acceptance does not mean that you condone bad behavior or ill treatment, it simply means that you acknowledge that the behavior has occurred. Once you accept then you are empowered to CHOOSE how you will respond. If you are into sports, when your team loses, you must accept the reality. Wanting them to win does not change the fact that they lost. Let’s get closer to home, if you are carrying excess weight, that is something you must accept. Accept with love and compassion, not criticism and judgment. Then and only then can you lovingly take the healthy steps consistently to start to create your desired result.
Patience is key if you want to master the art of waiting. Be patient! While they may seem like the same thing, there is a subtle difference. To wait is to hold on in expectation. Being patient is the state in which you wait, you are not agitated, which means you are at peace. You maintain your equilibrium no matter what comes your way. For me, it was always a battle, because I did not like or want to wait, and I certainly lacked patience. I now know that waiting requires me to be patient. If you are trying to lose excess fat, mastering the art of waiting is important for you to successfully achieve your goal.
The process of change requires you to wait; therefore, learn to T.A.P. Trust the power within you to give you courage to endure and persevere, no matter what comes your way. Let the power within you renew your mind to gracefully accept the reality and truth of your situation with love. Finally, know that the power within you can strengthen you to resist the temptations that come your way that may derail you from your healthy path.
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