It begins with having the right core beliefs. As a Christian, there is a CORE BELIEF that sets the foundation for our lives. If we do NOT believe this, we are more than likely not living abundantly. Can you live a life and find satisfaction without Jesus Christ, I believe not. In fact, I tried for decades to live a life without Jesus Christ and the result was a CONSTANT dread and dissatisfaction despite all the things I accumulated. Does any of this ring a bell?
It may not seem like a solution at first; however, this is what I noticed after decades of struggling to lose weight. First, get real, be honest, accept reality, and start by taking accountability for your life. Second, know that denial is NEVER a beautiful place to be. You are responsible for the condition of your health and life. You took ownership when you used your free will to CONSISTENTLY make poor or unhealthy choices and cut God out of the equation. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We cannot cut God out of the equation and fare well. The question is not whether you want to lose weight or not, the question is whether you want to continue to walk in the flesh or the Spirit?
Do you think I did not want to continue to indulge in copious amounts of cookies and ice cream daily? However, it finally dawned on me that I was asking my body to LOSE WEIGHT, yet I was not giving it the right tools to do so. The solution may require something as simple as waiting, being patient and trusting God to strengthen your mind, to give you the courage to resist the temptation of your flesh. The solution may be that you have to say NO! The solution may be that you must endure a bit of discomfort. The question is not the absence of a solution, the question is are you willing to ACCEPT the solution.
I preached health for as long as I can remember. I am a physician for Pete’s sake, yet I was not willing to make the change. I was not willing to make the sacrifice until it almost destroyed my health and life. Why do we have to WAIT until the damage is done before we take the steps to change direction? I say it is fear, I say it is denial, and I say it is a lack of understanding that we each have the power within in us to the next good or healthy thing. The problem is a LACK OF TRUST. You may think it’s a lack of trust in yourself; however, it really boils down to a lack of trust in the power and might of the Holy Spirit within us. He is the source of our strength and courage. He is who builds us up to resist the temptations of the flesh and this world.
People misunderstand health. Being healthy does not mean you won’t have bad days. Being healthy does not mean that things won’t go wrong or that you won’t make unhealthy choices. Being heathy is the realization that life is a process of ups and downs, twists and turns; however, we are already equipped with the power to navigate the process while maintaining our daily joy, peace, and contentment. We simply must BELIEVE and TRUST in the one who created us.
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