As I write this post, I think of the years I spent resisting and rejecting God’s will. The problem for so many people is that they have forgotten that we were created not to serve our fleshy whims, but to honor and serve God. This is so contradictory to what society loudly preaches, that we ignore the truth within our hearts and buy into the lies. We struggle to live abundantly because we have a malfunctioning GPS.
Our GPS Malfunctions Because Of Our Flesh
I remind myself constantly that “man shall not live by bread alone” and that I will not die if I do not eat for twenty-four hours. You know my story, so I will just say I had to overcome some negative beliefs to get to a place where I do not let greed pop up and control my actions. The thing we forget is that in every moment, we must make a choice, health or dis-ease, good or bad. Again, I remind you, not making a choice is making a choice.
If we do not have non-negotiables [aka: principles] that we live by, we will be tossed about by our emotions in whatever direction they take us. Emotions are fickle because they are often not based in reality or truth. Therefore, it behooves us to make sure that the decision we make in any moment is grounded in truth and love. Please remember, that we are the ONLY ones responsible for our emotions and the condition of our emotional landscape. Despite what others do, we are the ones making the decision to choose actions that EMPOWER us or that DESTROY us. Our bodies are gifts, and often we do not treat them with proper C.A.R.E. Why do you not treat your body with care?
Our flesh should not control us. We are to be masters of our bodies, not the other way around. We take back control of our bodies when we realize that we have the power of the Holy Spirit within us. We can and will say “NO” to our flesh if that is truly what we desire. Therefore, ask yourself, “Why would you not desire to live abundantly?”
I do not know about you, but I have yet to meet anyone on this earth who has not sinned. We sin unknowingly or intentionally. Yet, when we are convicted of our sins, do not bury your head in the sand, turn to God, repent and ask for forgiveness. God knows our hearts; He knows we are weak and has promised to strengthen us when we come to Him.
The problem is that DEEP INSIDE many of us lies a belief or some beliefs that prevent us from turning fully to God. Thus, we get out of alignment with God’s will for us. The inner conflict and dis-ease many of us struggle with comes back to a disconnect with God and our authentic selves. The end result is that we are not living abundantly, and our TOTAL HEALTH gets compromised.
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