When your life does not reflect your values, you must examine carefully the belief(s) that dominate your life. We must also examine our daily thoughts. Make the time to examine your story. We are what we believe and think, consciously and subconsciously, because such is the power of our mind. The problem is that so many of us are unaware of the subconscious thoughts we have about ourselves and the world around us. Then again, perhaps we are aware and just do not know how to have more empowering beliefs or uplifting and effective patterns of thinking.
Have You Been Embracing Your Moments?
I did not know how to embrace my journey. In fact, the majority of my life was spent focusing on the destination with no appreciation for the thrills, the experiences, the joys, the tears, the laughter, the opportunities for love and growth along the way. In essence, life passed me by, and I was left wondering, “Is this it?” Your life is not the destination, your life is made up of all the steps you take to get to that destination; therefore, it behooves you to take some time daily to appreciate the steps you took today.
So focused was I on getting to the destination that I failed to realize in the process that I had missed out on a significant portion of my life. Yet, it is never too late to fully embrace your life. Gain clarity about your purpose, and live it with passion daily, being fully engaged in each moment. That’s what I did beginning in 2018, I stopped and examined my story and realized I had lost my way. Somehow, I was no longer pursuing my purpose, in fact my purpose got buried beneath the shiny things of this world. The problem with shiny things, the more you collect, the more you want; thus, it’s no surprise there was dissatisfaction and unfulfillment.
You only have one life, live it abundantly! Now I am making sure I stop to smell the roses, to dance in the rain, and to play in the sand. No longer am I worried if I get wet or mud on my clothes. You see folks, sometimes we worry too much. When you have clarity about your true purpose, you no longer worry because you realize your job is to be obedient to the will of God. It is not you, but He who lives through you. Patiently learn to trust the process. The desire to have things done yesterday is a flesh-made dictate. When you live in the Spirit, you learn to walk patiently and quietly in tune with what serves the greatest good.
BE wary of the states that can trip you up
However, we must be wary that as humans we are vulnerable to the deception of fear. This is particularly true when we are empty of love and full of H.A.T.E. Fear is a deceiver and is constantly prowling around waiting to strike when we are most vulnerable and often when we least expect an attack. Understand that all emotional feelings are created by us. We believe, we think, we emote, and we feel.
While it is important to acknowledge your needs, realize that it is more important to get your needs met in healthy ways. For example, if you are tired, eating food will not solve the issue and may in fact create other health problems. What you need is rest. If you are feeling lonely, eating a container of ice-cream is not going to satisfy that need. What you need is to emotionally connect with someone who makes you feel loved. Finally, if you are feeling anxious, you don’t need to eat a whole pizza pie. You need to talk to someone you trust, who can help you put things into proper perspective. Ultimately, when it comes to our feelings, remember, that we are creating them by what we are thinking and believing. Thus, you begin to see that food is not the answer for needs that are not related to physiological hunger.
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