This may be a touchy subject for many; however, before you feel any negative feelings, please recognize that this is not only about weight loss. The lbs I am referring to may be the cause of your weight issue; however, they can also be the cause of other issues in your life. I would say that the average person has at least 4 lbs that they need to lose to get healthy.
It was difficult to pick four, so pardon me if they do not relate to you. The lbs I am speaking about are limiting beliefs. Many of us have a limiting belief or two. Interestingly, they may be conscious or subconscious. The phrase speaks for itself, these beliefs LIMIT us from achieving our full potential. They do so by preventing us from stepping out of our comfort zone.
- The one many of you may be familiar with is, “I am not good enough.” That was one of my main lbs until one day I ask myself, “Good enough for what or who?” When I realized that I was good enough for the only being that is important, I quickly started to change the narrative of my story. You are good enough, just as you are, because our creator did not make a mistake when He formed you in your mother’s womb.
- Another common lb, is “I am a failure.” Let me say that you are not a failure if you are still trying to be a better version of self. We all make mistakes; however, that does not make us a failure. Failing at something does not make you a failure, it simply means that thing may not have been right for you at that time, or there is something better that you should be focusing your energy on.
- This lb is also quite common, “If I am not perfect, then why bother.” Again, I ask you to look around you. If you can find one person on this earth who is perfect, I will give you a million dollars. NO ONE IS PERFECT, being human by definition means we are imperfect creatures. We all fail at things and make mistakes. For those of you trying to lose weight, recognize that some days you will eat poorly, it does not mean that ALL is lost. Learn to limit your indulgence to one or two meals, aiming to get back to healthy eating on the next meal.
- The last lb I will discuss is the one that really keeps many people stuck, “I can’t.” You can’t because you do not want to step out of your comfort zone. You can’t because you are afraid you do not have what it takes to succeed. You can’t because you believe you can’t. I am here to say that you can, it is simply a matter of shifting your focus. Then recognize the need for patience. Also, understand that consistent small steps lead to sustainable big changes. You can’t because you focus on the amount, instead focus on the reason why.
M = mindset, set your mind on gaining health. This then propels you to gain knowledge about getting healthy and helps you to understand the importance of being healthy. When you acquire this knowledge, you then feel inspired to get healthy in mind, body, and soul.
A = attitude, you may be surprised how important your attitude is to the choices you make daily. If your attitude is not loving, then by default your actions to self and others will be unloving. Thus, it is easy to see why you are not taking proper care of self by eating healthy, moving more, resting enough, getting enough water daily, etc.
P = practices, which you know are your daily habits. If you have a mindset that rejects and a negative attitude about self, life, and the world, you will by default have practices that are unhealthy. Therefore, examine your story, discover the lbs that are preventing you from gaining total health.
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