A Myth About Exercise That Hinders Weight Loss

Many people when they hear the word exercise get a funny feeling in their body. It’s another chore, something to be endured, and frankly you just don’t have the time. When we begin in this state of mind and with this defeating attitude, it’s no wonder we are not being consistent with our exercise routine. However, more important, too many have the wrong impression about exercise, which can have you giving up in frustration and prevent you from being totally healthy.



I define exercise as any sustained movement that gets your heart rate up and causes you to break a sweat. If something is not easy, enjoyable, or provides instant benefits, most people will lose interest after a few days to weeks. You must connect with exercise in a way that inspires or moves you. Exercise is my therapist, it soothes my ragged nerves, and my whole body feels better after I exercise. Therefore, I not only enjoy working out, but I also look forward to the positive benefits of a good workout. If solo, don’t forget to add your favorite music and enjoy. I am in the mountains every year, and one of the best things I can do for myself is my frequent walks with music.

Make is easy and enjoyable:

  1. Play in the yard/park with your kids or grandkids.
  2. Go hiking with friends.
  3. Go swimming with friends.
  4. Clean your home.
  5. Walk to buy your groceries or around your home.
  6. Take a dance class, or dance at home.
  7. Take your dog for a walk.
  8. Mow your lawn or wash the car.

The instant benefits of exercise:

  1. Mood enhancer
  2. Boosts your energy
  3. Promotes better sleep
  4. Alleviates anxiety
  5. Loosens tense muscles
  6. Lowers blood pressure
  7. Boosts metabolism
  8. Improves clarity and concentration


It is like brushing your teeth. Most people, I hope, would never think of leaving their home without brushing their teeth. In fact, most people would feel unkempt or out of sorts if they do not brush their teeth at least once or twice per day. That is how you must come to view exercise, not as a chore, but as a necessary part of healthy living. I thank my mother every day, because she made us enjoy walking and when at all possible, I walk. The beautiful thing about movement is that the more you do it, the more it becomes a part of you. Then the more you move, the more sustainable will be your health results. You do not work out or move to lose weight, you work out or move to stay fit and keep the weight off. I lived at the gym for decades and was always surprised that I could not lose weight. It was one of those proverbial “aha moments” when my trainer told me, it’s what you are putting into your body that you need to pay attention to if you want to lose weight.


The only way that you can honestly assess what is going into your body daily is to track your daily food intake for at least one week. The idea of tracking your food may seem annoying; however, I can guarantee that most people UNDERESTIMATE how much they eat daily. Furthermore, most people forget the quality and quantity of food they ingest daily. It is quite easy to lose track if you are always eating on the go or eating while you are working. Take the time to do this exercise for one week and gain clarity about the frequency with which you eat, the quantity, and quality of foods you eat daily.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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