I chose this topic after realizing that I had been living in an unhealthy environment that compromised my health daily. Once I realized that I made adjustments from my end to live healthier. Notice I made adjustments on my end because WE cannot change anyone. Therefore, if you want to PROTECT your health, learn to find healthy ways to adapt without compromising your values.
When I say unhealthy, I mean that the environment may cause you to make poor choices IF you are not mindful. Ultimately we are each responsible for the choices we make. Yet, our environments can impact the choices we make. For example, you are trying to lose weight and you love cookies and ice cream. You KNOW that your self-control goes out the window when you are around cookies and ice cream. Thus, you DO NOT bring cookies and ice cream into your home. For with continued exposure, you KNOW you will cave in.
When you go to work and there is a constant supply of highly processed foods. You may walk by nine times without caving; yet, on the tenth time you find yourself reaching for a treat. “Just one won’t hurt,” you think as you give in. Unfortunately, we know it usually is more than one.
- Be prepared. Know that this will eventually happen and take healthy snacks with you. Have a non-negotiable principle about snacking. I am of the mindset that snacks were invented by the food industry to make money and has nothing to do with caring about us or our health. I grew up in the West Indies and a snack was a piece of fruit or some nuts [unprocessed/whole/natural].
- Be consistent. Have set mealtimes. This allows you to recognize more clearly when your body is physiologically hungry. I love to tell myself, “I won’t die if I do not eat for twenty-four hours.” In this case, you won’t die if you do not have the treat. You are treating your emotions, rather than fueling your organs. Another thing you can do is ask yourself, “Am I acting from abundance or paucity?” Acting from paucity, lack, often leads to greedy or grasping behavior.
- Be mindful. I recognize that everyone enjoys a little food treat now and again. Therefore, have a non-negotiable principle about the quantity and the frequency. I allow myself to have processed carbohydrate treats on Sundays. More specifically, before 12pm and at one meal. If you must have the treat, limit it to ONE serving and try to have it before 12p. Then go for a walk.
- Be loving. Many people think that loving self means giving self everything it desires. However, think about parents, who often set healthy boundaries for their children because they love them and want to keep them healthy and safe. Therefore, it is the same with you. Yes, I would love to eat cookies and ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; however, I KNOW that is not loving to self and it is NOT HEALTHY for my mind, body, or soul.
Allow yourself to have a treat. Heal the relationship you have with food. More important, examine your thinking about food. Understand that food’s primary purpose is to provide FUEL for your body to function optimally. If you flood it with too much food, it will cause your organs to malfunction. Think of a car, if you flood the engine or use the wrong gas, your vehicle will malfunction, break down. Thus, it pays to remember that your body is an expensive vehicle, and it is your responsibility to keep it functioning optimally.
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