It should be the easiest thing right? Wrong! At the best of times, effecting positive change is difficult. Now with so much uncertainty and confusion, being healthy has been shuffled to the back burner. More pressing needs like shelter, food, and financial security have taken over the mental space of many people.
Peace Is Necessary For Maintaining Your Focus
Peace of mind is essential for anyone to stay focused. When you are worried or stressed it is hard to focus on other things except the things that you are immediately concerned about. Yet, it is not impossible. It requires a willingness to prioritize and understand that without your health, all else becomes irrelevant. Health defined at “total health”, the health of the whole being [spiritual, psychological, physical, and financial].
Understand Why Your Health Is So Important
Without your health it will be unlikely for you to have much quality of life. Unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and pain are often your daily companions. It’s difficult to properly care for loved ones if you are unhealthy. The cost of being unhealthy may become a major financial stressor. Excessive stress as everyone knows contributes to a plethora of diseases, further impacting your health. Understand that you have the power to effect positive changes in your health by simply changing a few unhealthy habits.
You Have Free Will To Choose
Yet, it is one’s inability to stop and confront the truth with honesty and an open mind that leads to the worsening of their health. Getting healthy is not a one step process and it requires a daily commitment. It is being willing to suffer some moments of distress or discomfort in order to get to a better state of health. I find these two questions have really made a difference in helping me to stay consistent in making healthy choices:
- What am I gaining when I make the healthy choice?
- What am I losing if I do not make the healthy choice?
What do you gain when you choose healthy? What do you give up when you choose unhealthy? The decision to be healthy in the end comes down to your desire and the choices you consistently make.
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