Humans are pleasure seeking missiles, and without self-control we will seek pleasure to our own destruction. Imagine a missile, it seeks the target and is destroyed in the process when it gets to the target. We are contradictory by nature; we want health, but we seek pleasure. Without discipline, our desire for pleasure can destroy our total health. Humans are either constantly seeking pleasure directly, or indirectly by avoiding or neutralizing pain or discomfort.
Drug redefined: “any person, place, thing, or experience used to alleviate either directly or indirectly by distraction our discomfort or pain”. “It can also be defined as anything used to satisfy your need for pleasure.” You may be surprised what can be used as a daily drug of choice. Some things may have been healthy but used in excess can have unhealthy consequences [work, exercise, cleaning, eating, or shopping]. Some things are not so clear-cut and in small doses are considered acceptable [alcohol, gossiping, caffeine, prescription pain medication, power, control, or the little white lie]. Then we have the things that were always unhealthy and are best avoided [manipulation, compulsive lying, cheating, cigarettes, stealing, illicit drugs, etc.].
The purpose is the same for everyone who uses or abuses their drug of choice: ease the pain, numb the discomfort, or forget momentarily the agony of suffering. Therefore, to regain your total health and lose the habit of turning to your DOC, you must gain wisdom, understanding, and knowledge about you and your source of pain. Discover and heal the trauma or wound that is still causing discomfort or pain in your life.
Getting totally healthy requires being honest with yourself and it requires a complete self-examination to find the cause of your pain or discomfort. It also requires compassion, acceptance, respect and empathy of self [C.A.R.E.]. Gain clarity about who you are and your purpose. The lack of identity and purpose can be driving forces behind your discomfort, your pain, and your dis-ease. Until you “understand who you are and your purpose”, the following may cause the pain that you are ‘running from’ when you turn to your DOC.
- Unfulfilled desires and dreams
- Disconnection from your body
- Unmet expectations
- Living a lie, ‘not feeling enough’
- Trying to please others
- A childhood of abuse
- A life of abuse
- Negative self-talk
- Distorted patterns of thinking
- Disconnection from your feelings
- Not loving yourself
- Not accepting you as you are right NOW
When the story you tell yourself daily is not grounded in truth, it often results in you using the wrong map. The end result is that your life will often leave you feeling restless; a sense of dis-ease can be your constant companion; or you simply feel empty inside. Thus, it not surprising that you develop an addiction.
If you quiet the restlessness, ease the discomfort, or fill the void with your drugs of choice, there will eventually come a time when the drugs no longer give you the pleasure or satisfaction you desire. No amount will ever be enough as long as you think and feel that you are ‘not enough’ as you are.
It is impossible to feel enough from any external source, because you are already enough. You simply NEED to be reminded that God made you ‘good enough’ for him. However, if you consistently OVER-INDULGE, the physical body eventually breaks down [gains weight, gets diseases, etc.] or dies. When we choose our drugs over love, we may have moments of transient relief; however, at what coast to our TOTAL HEALTH. The pain will always return.
- Choose love; love God, self, and others unconditionally and heal the wound permanently.
- Choose to unconditionally accept yourself today [excess weight or not, rich or poor], imperfectly perfect human that you are.
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