We have all given into temptation at some point in our lives. For those of us who struggle to lose weight or keep it off, we know well how difficult it sometimes feels to resist the temptation to grab another bite or eat a larger portion. Yet, it can be done when we understand these three things about ourselves. These 3 things impact every decision we make: (1) BELIEFS; (2) THOUGHTS/THINKING; (3) EMOTIONS/FEELINGS. The bridge between our beliefs and feelings is our thoughts and how we think. When that bridge is faulty, problems arise in our lives.
Realize that most people do not know that feelings indicate we need to do something because we have gotten out of alignment (usually it’s because we are not connecting or relating in healthy ways with God, self, and others). Thus, we feel bored, lonely, anxious, worried, afraid, tense, restless, agitated, tired, or empty. Because we never took the time to APPROPRIATELY address our feelings, we settled for the quick fix [food, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, spending excessively, gambling, lying, stealing, etc.]. With repetition, our action became the CHOSEN HABIT that we now STRUGGLE to break. If we desire TOTAL HEALTH, we must choose the CORRECT or HEALTHY action.
We eat because we feel something, and that something is not physiological hunger. Therefore, we need to UNDERSTAND what our feelings are telling us. Thus, instead of reaching for food, which ONLY ever satisfies physiological hunger, we must figure out what it is we REALLY want or NEED in the moment. Also, we must remember that we are CREATING those feelings.
Here it is important to know why you want to lose weight, why it is important to get healthy. Consider this, you value your cell phone, car, dog, cat or your most prized possession and since you value this THING, you take good CARE of it.
QUESTION: What is MORE valuable, you or your cell phone, car, cat, or dog?
The problem is that we value things, and yes in some cases other humans, more than we value ourselves.
QUESTION: Do you recognize and fully accept your inherent value and worth as a child of God?
All humans are of EQUAL value and worth – nothing we do takes away or adds to our value and worth.
Everyone has beliefs; however, not every belief we have is grounded in truth and love. The problem folks is that when we live our lives guided by beliefs that are untruths or lies, we inevitably compromise our TOTAL HEALTH. This occurs because we make poor choices that reflect those negative core beliefs. Thus, we begin to see the connection between our ACTIONS, FEELINGS, THOUGHTS/THINKING, and BELIEFS.
If you are struggling to lose weight and keep it off, really STOP and examine your story. The story that you have been telling yourself and sharing with the world all these years.
Here are some examples of the stories you have bought into that need to be deconstructed and rewritten with the truth:
- I cannot lose weight because I am overwhelmed or stuck and I can’t cope with the idea of changing my lifestyle.
- I am not worthy or deserving of anything good happening in my life, so I guess I will just stay fat.
- There is not enough time or food. Worse I am not enough; however, stuffing my face to numb the pain and hoarding excess food in my body, only causes more issues with weight.
- I am not lovable, which makes me feel lonely and unhappy. Yet, “I am not lovable” is a blatant lie. Still if this is your core belief, you will hide yourself away from the world and take comfort, albeit transiently, in food, alcohol, drugs, etc.
The solution therefore is to BELIEVE, KNOW, and UNDERSTAND your inherent VALUE and WORTH as a child of God.
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