Most people have at some point in their lives overeaten. Overeating becomes a problem when we indulge frequently, and our TOTAL HEALTH is compromised. Usually, the first evidence that someone is indulging in frequent bouts of overeating is weight gain. However, other signs not immediately obvious are increasing blood pressure; elevated cholesterol; fatty liver disease; increasing blood sugar level; etc.
- Binge eating, a combination of biochemical, emotional, and environmental factors that cause you to eat without seeming to have any ability to control yourself until some signal is triggered (usually you feel stuffed and uncomfortable or physically sick).
- Emotional pain coupled with frustration causes you to keep eating hoping that the chemicals released will eventually kick in and ease your discomfort.
- Distracted and stressed (under some deadline pressure or too much going on in your life), you lose track of what’s going into your mouth and how often you have reached for food throughout the day.
- A paucity mindset, where you believe there is not enough. You fear that there won’t be enough food, so you better hoard some food. Unfortunately, you are storing the excess food on your body in the form of FAT [notice what’s driving you, FEAR].
Let’s face it, food has been used for generations to provide comfort in a variety of situations. You had a bad day at school, Mom offered a bowl of ice cream. You fell and scraped your knee; you got a cookie to ease the discomfort. What many did not or do not realize is that there are chemicals released when we eat that creates a feeling of pleasure. This physical reward combined with the psychological reward leads to the development of a habit. For our bodies are quick to repeat something that is pleasurable if we are not mindful or disciplined. There is no denying that food is pleasurable; however, a person who is controlled by pleasure, will be totally unhealthy.
Breaking The Overeating Habit
The first thing to recognize is that overeating has become a habit for you. You have tied a feeling to a response, that initially gave you a reward. Sadly, while you may still numb the feeling or drug yourself with the food, this option is not a viable solution long term. Furthermore, your TOTAL HEALTH is now being negatively impacted. There are so many places where you can intervene; however, you have to be able to stop eating long enough to change direction.
Some things you can do if there are no medical reasons:
- Drink a glass of room temperature water slowly.
- Wash your face in cold water.
- Massage your forearms.
- Run in place vigorously for 20-30sec.
- Do enough jumping jacks to interrupt the neurologic rhythm of uncontrolled eating [or something equally physically demanding to shift gears].
- Speak forcefully, calling your full name and say “STOP John XYZ or Jane XYZ!” Speak in a tone that will snap you out of your daze/fog. “John XYZ/Jane XYZ what are you doing? Sometimes just hearing a voice (even though it’s your own) will do the trick.
- Stop, look up and b.r.e.a.t.h.e. in (if you are a believer in God, ask The Holy Spirit to give you the strength to resist your flesh).
- I read my positive reminders posted in strategic spots around my home (I have to STOP to read, which prevents me from reaching for more food. I read them until the fog clears and I can shift out of fear back to love).
The next time you find yourself out of control, confused or just simply destructive, ask yourself:
- “What am I afraid of?” “What’s causing me to RUN to food?” [REMEMBER: in fear most people often try to run/to escape—-your turning to food is you figuratively running away from the fear that you are experiencing].
- “What am I believing, feeling or thinking that I need right now?”
Getting Our NEEDS MET IN Healthier Ways
First, it is finding a way to remind yourself that emotions/feelings DO NOT HAVE TO BE ACTED ON immediately, take some time to observe without criticism or judgment. Then it is gaining clarity about what you are needing in the moment. KNOW that your OLD HABIT is no longer serving your health or effectively meeting your needs. Understand that you have the POWER within you to break the cycle, change direction. BELIEVE that change is possible. ACCEPT that initially there will be some discomfort. RECOGNIZE that there still may be some problematic thinking that is getting you in trouble. REMEMBER, life will never always go as you expected; however, you will be able to get through it with God’s help. Be clear about this fact, it is NOT FOOD that you need or want.
- Call a friend you can trust with your struggle.
- If it is safe, go for a walk [in nature if possible].
- Connect to God, usually with prayer.
- Put on some upbeat music, sing and dance.
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