Boredom is an emotional state of being. Remember, you create any emotional state that you find yourself in. While the stimulus may be external, you are still the only one creating your emotions and feelings. Next, understand what the emotion of boredom is trying to tell you. You created the feeling of BOREDOM because
- you are not fully engaged or interested in something;
- the task is not meaningful to you;
- or there is no satisfaction gained from the moment or experience.
First you need to examine whether your lack of interest and engagement is truly the result of something being unstimulating mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically from being weary or exhausted. You may be creating feelings of boredom when you simply need to get some rest (sleep).
If it is not fatigue and you find what you are doing is unstimulating you need to ask yourself two questions:
- Is this unstimulating task essential for my TOTAL HEALTH? Realize that there will occasionally be things that we have to do that we have no interest in, but they are essential for our health. In that event find a way to make it as palatable as possible. Do a little at a time then do something you really enjoy as a healthy reward.
- If it is not essential to your TOTAL HEALTH, why are you doing it? We may do something to avoid doing something else because we are procrastinating. Check your motives. You have created this feeling of boredom for a reason.
Unfortunately, sometimes we may have to do things we do not find spiritually, psychologically, physically, or financially meaningful to us. This can often happen in the workplace. In this situation, you will also have to find a way to make the task palatable.
This is also where procrastination may trip you up. Delaying the inevitable does not make it go away. It is a task your employer expects you to complete and though you find it boring, you will have to get it done. Again, break it up; however, I find it best to get it done as fast as possible.
Practicing the art of acceptance is key when there are things you must do. This is the reality and your desire not to be bothered does not change the reality that it is your responsibility.
Remember, we create our emotions and feelings; therefore, you are the one creating a feeling of satisfaction. If what you are doing is causing you not to create a feeling of satisfaction, you need to ask yourself why not? Then you need to do something healthy that will allow you to create a feeling of satisfaction. This is where many turn to external things for satisfaction, like food.
Food will ONLY provide satisfaction for PHYSIOLOGICAL HUNGER. Eating will never satisfy our emotional, mental, spiritual, or financial needs.
In this scenario, you need to prioritize your objectives and understand what is more valuable to you. Remember, every action we take has consequences. If you are desiring to feel satisfied, then do something positive that does not involve food, which moves you forward. Something that allows you to see or feel that progress was or is being made.
The task at work that lacks meaning to you but is your responsibility can cause you to create a sense of satisfaction once it is completed. Your boss may praise you for a job well. Thus, it is a matter of shifting your perspective and checking the lenses you are using to view the experience or moment.
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