The stress you create in your body by focusing on losing weight is sabotaging your effort to lose weight. Furthermore, instead of focusing on losing weight, you should focus on being healthy. There are many ways to define healthy, and how you choose to define healthy will impact positively or negatively your choices. I define being healthy as a four-pronged concept, which includes healthy psychologically, spiritually, financially, and physically.
When you focus on being healthy you come to realize that it involves making sustainable lifestyle changes. Changing your diet is only one aspect of your lifestyle. If you change your diet drastically to lose weight, you will lose the weight; however, if you cannot eat that way for the rest of your life, you will regain the weight. There is a healthier way to lose the excess fat; however, it requires you to get real and be honest with yourself. Furthermore, it requires that you UNDERSTAND and BELIEVE that you can make sustainable lifestyle changes. Rome was not built in a day. You did not gain the weight in one day; therefore, STOP trying to lose the weight in one day. Learn to practice the art of acceptance and patience.
If you are not at PEACE with yourself right now, you will NOT be at peace with yourself after you have lost the weight. Thus, it will be that much harder to keep the weight off. I had to learn this the hard way. Do you realize how important peace is to your TOTAL HEALTH? Think of what happens when you are stressed, frantic, or so busy you do not have time to do the things you desire. What usually happens is that your TOTAL HEALTH suffers because you consistently make poor or unhealthy choices. What must change inside for you to manifest health on the outside? You must have clarity about the things that destroy your peace. Then you must learn how to maintain your equilibrium in those instances. Finally, remember we are most prone to making unhealthy choices when we are full of H.A.T.E. and empty of love.

Your objective must be spiritual alignment. You will never be at peace if you are not in spiritual alignment with God’s will for your life. We have already discussed the negative consequences of a lack of peace on our health. Internal peace can exist in the face of external chaos when you remember these truths:
- God loves you unconditionally
- God has plans to prosper you
- God came so that you can live abundantly
- God will never fail or forsake you
- God is always with you
- God will always meet your daily needs
It does not matter what I believe, it only matters what you believe. You have heard, “if you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you are correct.” The question I want to leave you with is “What is preventing or blocking you from believing you can?” As a Christian, you must realize or remember, that ALL things are possible with Jesus Christ. If that does not resonate with you, then remember, “I can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens me.” When our beliefs are not in spiritual alignment with God’s will for our lives, we end up losing our peace, which causes internal dis-ease that ultimately results in physical, emotional, and mental diseases.
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