Successfully Achieve Your 2023 Milestone With Your PALS

It is funny, despite the advice not to make New Year’s resolutions, many people still do. Old habits die hard. There is a lesson in that adage, changing old habits while hard is NOT impossible. I offer the suggestion that creating sustainable change requires the help of our PALS.



If you have been following me, you know I love acronyms. Many of us developed the habit of using acronyms to help us retain large volumes of information in medical school. More important, information that was critical to pathological diagnosis or identification. When I launched my website in 2020, I decided that I was going to use acronyms to help me to share information with my followers and clients. You may know one of my favorites, CARE. We care for self and others by showing Compassion, Acceptance, Respect, and Empathy. By now you realize that PALS is another acronym. We create sustainable change with the help of Patience, Acceptance, Love, and Sacrifice.


As a person who was told that I lack patience, I can absolutely agree that a lack of patience is DETRIMENTAL to our TOTAL HEALTH. To be patient for me means to persevere EVEN WHEN I cannot see obvious results. However, it is more than just waiting. It is also enduring with the RIGHT or HEALTHY attitude. If you have the wrong attitude, it is more than likely that after a week you will fall back into your unhealthy habit or habits. Often it may be sooner than a week.

  1. Know you are on the RIGHT path
  2. Be CONSISTENT even with the absence of positive evidence
  3. Do not lose HOPE [do not become discouraged]
  4. TRUST in the process
  5. Aim for PROGRESS
  6. REMEMBER your objective, also known as your goal or your “WHY”

A lack of patience leads to anxiousness, increased stress response, and DIS-ease. So, while you may chuckle about the fact that you are also impatient like me, know that a consistent lack of patience predisposes one to developing anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, insomnia, obesity, and high blood pressure to name a few diseases.


If you are unable or unwilling to accept the reality of the situation or the facts as presented, you run the risk of increasing your blood pressure, creating unnecessary tension in your body because of increased levels of adrenaline and cortisol. You may recognize that these are chemicals that the body releases in response to a PERCEIVED threat. With continued exposure to these chemicals, the body responds with the development of diseases: abdominal fat and weight problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, addictive behaviors, etc.


There is scientific evidence that proves that babies fail to thrive and even die in the absence of love. Guess what folks? Adults also fail to thrive in the absence of healthy love. We CANNOT change the past, but there is no need to drag your past along with you every day and DESTROY the joy and excitement to be found in the PRESENT. LOVE! Love God with all your heart. Love yourself and love each other. Love strengthens us to endure, empowers us to step up, and encourages us to be the BEST version of self.


Loving someone requires from time to time the willingness to put their needs first. Sacrificing what you want now to help someone else get their needs met. Funny thing about loving someone, you BE loving without expecting anything in return. We love because it is who we are. Many people struggle with this one, I admit, I struggled with this one. It begins at home! Love God, who is within you; thus, by default you also MUST love self.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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