Many people see mindfulness and have a bunch of interesting thoughts. The word mindfulness was around a long time before it became affiliated with meditation and yoga. Being mindful is the ACT of being present; it is observing with a clear mind and a clean heart without criticism or judgment. If you want to simplify it even more, it is paying close attention or tuning in to your body’s response to input or stimuli without taking impulsive action.
We all act. There is a STATE where we act harmoniously and then there is a STATE where we act indiscriminately. The objective is to get to KNOW and UNDERSTAND when you act indiscriminately. Why? That is when you make decisions and choose actions that injure your health. Thus, mindfulness helps us to be STILL and observe our states. When we choose to ACT, we want to act from a state that is conducive to our health. The state that is conducive to our health is one where we have CLARITY about our principles and purpose.
There is nothing wrong with emotions and feelings. However, if we live our lives from a feeling or emotional state, it is more than likely we will fail to reach our full potential and often we will compromise our TOTAL HEALTH. “I feel like some cookies and ice cream.” Insert whatever you feel like putting into your body at this moment. The problem is not that cookies and ice cream are bad, the problem is if you are constantly feeling like cookies and ice cream, eventually you will have a weight problem.
This is when MINDFULNESS really helps us. Be aware that your feeling is a response to something you are believing or thinking that makes you uncomfortable or causes you distress. The reason you are feeling like cookies and ice cream is because you want to be comforted. Emotional or spiritual comfort is never achieved by food. Emotional or spiritual comfort requires interacting with others and connecting with Jesus Christ.
You may be believing you cannot. You may be thinking, ‘not again.’ Finally, you may be feeling frustrated that you are right back where you started from or worse. You are ready to just chuck it all and remain overweight and unhappy. Even though you pretend to the world that it is alright, deep inside, you know it is NOT ALRIGHT. This is when you really must have clarity about your principles and purpose. Then the next step is to gain knowledge. Know “WHY”! Then understand that you must change direction because the path you have been taking only leads to one destination, obesity and a slew of medical problems. Before you panic, remember change does not have to be something huge, it requires consistently taking a small step in a different direction.
You cannot lose weight on a diet and keep it off if you do not change your heart, mind, and soul. This requires DISCIPLINE to retrain your heart to receive and accept the truth that you are lovable and worthy of the effort. Your mind must believe that change is possible, which we know it is. Your soul must be at peace with the reality of your value and worthy as a child of God, which has nothing to do with your position or possessions. Finally, this body that we have is a gift from God to be cherished as the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are stewards of our bodies; therefore, it is time to start taking better care of the holy temple.
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