A craving is not just a casual feeling or emotion, it is an intense and complex desire. It is a well-known fact that our appetites and desires can control us when we are not strong enough to resist the calling. Yet, we are made strong with God’s help. I know that an unhealthy gut microbiome also plays a role.
I have often wondered why I sometimes struggle to resist the call of highly processed carbohydrates. I know there is a chemical reaction taking place in the body; yet, I have always thought there had to be more to the story than just chemistry. There is a definite sensory component to any craving. There is something almost seductive about the taste of freshly baked homemade bread and butter.
Satiety is the state achieved after you have had sufficient to eat. Yet, what is the definition of sufficient? Most consumer food packaging comes with instructions about the quantity of one serving; however, most people ignore those suggestions and eat as much as they want. So, again I ask what is sufficient? I believe it is a relative term. What is sufficient for me may be too much for someone of the same age and size. Why? Our metabolic rate, gut microbiome, hormonal system, and environmental factors impact how much we each need to get to that state called satiety. Also, the reason why we are eating impacts the amount we think we need. Truth, we do not need as much food as we think.
Learning to enjoy our food more by being mindful as we SLOWLY chew our food goes a long way to helping us practice eating appropriate portions. To be satisfied is gaining pleasure from an act that is an appropriate response to the need. Food has become our substitute for the things we need. That is why we overeat, because we are expecting food to meet our emotional, spiritual, mental, physical, or financial needs, and food can only SATISFY physiological hunger.
Recognize the need behind your craving. IT IS NOT FOOD. You are seeking satisfaction or fulfillment, but it is often only met with the appropriate response. Therefore, the craving you are creating is in response to some emotional, spiritual, mental, financial, or physical need you are not recognizing consciously.
Every human has the same needs. These needs are present at different times in our lives. The problem is that many of us do not allow ourselves to admit we have needs. Then if we do, we often do not know how or cannot get them met because of the STORY we have been telling ourselves. I will be the first to admit, I do not like to ask for help. Pride is part of the reason many struggle to get their needs met. Our belief system is another reason we have difficulty asking for help. Be humble, and realize no man is an island. We were created to be in relationships. Reach out to a friend and ask for help. Allow yourself to gracefully receive the gift of someone’s money, energy, time, or skills.
Food was my D.O.C. when I was angry, anxious, bored, hurt, or lonely. What do all these states have in common? They are emotional states. Eating food is not the appropriate response for our emotional needs. Understanding the belief and pattern of thinking behind the emotion we create helps us to change our habit of emotional eating. When I was tired, I often looked to food for a boost of energy, but it never did. I needed rest and sleep. Recognize the importance of getting our needs met with the appropriate action.
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