Upgrade Your Identity To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal

Have you lost clarity about your P.I.C.? It is well documented that without a sense of purpose, many people lose their way and struggle spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and financially. Why does this happen? Spiritual alignment is inherent to our spiritual health. When we are spiritually unhealthy, we are by definition out of spiritual alignment. When we are out of alignment we drift away from our purpose, are often confused about our identity, and we have no idea what our calling is, which result in consistently making poor choices that negatively impact all four pillars of our health.



The question you must answer is, “Is the identity I desire reflected in my purpose?” Phrased another way, “Does my identity reflect my spiritually aligned purpose?” That is an incredibly good place to start if you are wanting to make some sustainable lifestyle changes.

  1. Who are you?
  2. What traits identify you?
  3. Do your behaviors reflect your identity?
  4. What about your beliefs and patterns of thinking?

When you stop and EXAMINE YOUR STORY, are you shocked that the narrative you have been sharing does not match up with the story you wanted to tell? I was shocked. I wanted to tell the story of a healthy person, and when I stopped and examined my story, I was ashamed to realize I was far from being a healthy person.


How you choose to identify yourself, consciously or subconsciously, is how you will choose to behave. In other words, if you identify yourself as a failure, you will behave consistently in ways that produce failure. If you identify yourself as someone who cannot cope, you will consistently find yourself feeling overwhelmed. If you identify yourself as not enough, you will consistently exhaust yourself trying to be enough by gaining more external stuff or eating more. Thus, you may desire one thing; yet find yourself struggling to achieve it because there is some internal conflict within you. You do not see yourself as a slim and healthy person. You do not think you are capable of losing the excess weight and the list goes on. You may even believe you are not lovable, deserving, or worthy. Have you been blocking your weight loss success by the inner dialogue and subconscious identity that you have been holding on to?


If you have tried every diet and then some, you perhaps feel like there is no hope and that you will have to live with this excess weight for the rest of your life. First, KNOW that your excess weight is not only about your excess fat. Your excess weight is also about the excess spiritual, financial, emotional, and mental burdens that you have been dragging around with you. Getting totally healthy starts with getting spiritually healthy. You must be spiritually realigned first if you truly desire sustainable lifestyle changes. The benefits of spiritual alignment are:

  1. Enhanced strength to resist the temptation of your flesh and this world
  2. You are empowered by love to take proper care of yourself
  3. Clarity about your true purpose, identity, and calling
  4. Patience to persevere in the face of plateaus
  5. Acceptance and compassion for your human frailties
  6. Recognition of your inherent value and worth, which allows you to set healthy boundaries
  7. Grace in the face of life’s inevitable trials and tribulations
  8. A mindset that A.C.C.E.P.T.S., which sets you free to LIVE abundantly


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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