What Should You Do If You Want To Get Healthy?

Most people automatically think getting healthy is losing weight. While that is true, physical health, that is not the only aspect of healthy. I introduce to you my philosophy of total health. Total health is a state of being in optimal health in mind, body, and soul and is achieved when you are in complete spiritual alignment.


My Total Healthy Philosophy Is Distinct

I call it the wholistic approach of Best You Made Possible. The whole person is involved, every aspect of the whole person’s being is addressed. There are four pillars within my philosophy of total health: spiritual, physical, psychological, and financial. If any one of these pillars is structurally unhealthy, you will be unhealthy, and it will often manifest in symptoms. Unfortunately, you may not even recognize the symptom as a manifestation that you are unhealthy.

How Unhealthy Presents Itself

Unhealthy presents itself in so many ways: unhealthy thoughts, unhealthy beliefs, unhealthy emotions, and unhealthy actions.  Yet, let me clarify, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions are not inherently unhealthy; they become unhealthy when they destroy your peace of mind, your health, and your quality of life. What beliefs and thoughts keep recurring that leads to destructive emotions and then negative and unhealthy choices [actions]?  Introducing mindfulness and acceptance.

Practice Mindfulness And Acceptance

Acceptance and mindfulness are the twin towers of defense against the negative thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and feelings. If you can become mindful and accept without taking an action, you begin the process of getting totally healthy. How do you do this you wonder? Know your why and be clear about your purpose; understand the adverse total health consequences if you choose to act without clarity and without creating a positive step in the direction of fulfilling your purpose.

A Common Symptom With Many Causes

Overeating is a common symptom with many causes. The irony is that some of the causes are positive, which introduces another important concept: balance, also known as moderation. Most people overeat when they are celebrating [a happy occasion]. Many people overeat when they are depressed, angry, sad, nervous, or worried [unhappy states]. What is the common theme? Your emotional state, which includes your feelings, have a significant impact on your choices. Understand that you create this emotional state by what you believe and think. Learn to check your M.A.P. and G.P.S. frequently by being mindful throughout the day. Why is overeating unhealthy? It takes you out of balance, out of alignment, creating undue stress and damage to your physical and psychological pillars, and your total health.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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