Or are your emotions controlling you? If you are consistently making unhealthy choices daily that have compromised your TOTAL HEALTH, then it is safe to say that your emotions are controlling you.
Regaining Control Of Your Emotions
The first thing to understand is that emotions are not good or bad, they are simply signals to what’s going on internally. Usually, they result from our experiences and what we are thinking about those experiences. Unfortunately, if there is a history of distorted thinking in your life, you are likely to struggle often with destructive emotions. Regaining a healthy pattern of thinking will help you to improve your emotional intelligence and resilience.
Emotions Are Destructive When Unhealthy Actions Are Chosen
There is no denying that emotions cloud our judgment. You lose your clarity, which results in you shifting your focus from your desired goal to instant gratification. Thus, you are more likely to act impulsively or irrationally when your emotions are running high. Knowing this, you must be able to put some distance between the action and the emotion. Yet, how can you do this when the tsunami raging inside seems so overpowering? I suggest using one of these two acronyms: S.T.I.L.L. or S.T.O.P. If these do not work for you, there is always my B.R.E.A.T.H.E. acronym.
Putting Distance Between Emotion And Action
Our emotions often result in us FEELING discomfort, it is that feeling of discomfort that MOTIVATES us to act. If you can learn to be MINDFUL of that feeling without taking action, you will begin to regain control over your emotions. The ability to stop and be still are the keys to putting some distance between your emotion and your action. The interesting thing about emotions and feelings, they may be intense, but they are often fleeting. Thus, the S.T.O.P. and S.T.I.L.L. acronyms when practiced consistently give your emotions time to subside. This then allows you to regain your clarity and shift your focus back to your purpose or desired goal.
Avoiding The Trap Of Boredom
One feeling that may trip you up is boredom because it tends to linger longer. If you are feeling bored, “Ask yourself what do you really want to be doing?” Many people struggle with simply being still, they seem programmed to be active constantly. Some may call that “restlessness” and others may call it “anxiety.” Yet, learning to be still without constantly doing is actually quite beneficial for our TOTAL HEALTH. Another question you can ask yourself when your are feeling bored is, “Why am I running away from me?” If you cannot be comfortable with yourself, then what is it about you that bores you? Learn to love being with yourself, it is the first step in practicing healthy self-care and love.

Controlling Your Emotions Ultimately Is Your Choice
Choosing to take the same unhealthy action over and over again will prevent you from living your BEST you and being totally healthy. Worse, it destroys your daily joy, peace, and contentment, which impacts your interaction with others. Is it always easy to make the healthy choice? No, sometimes you just want to indulge. Be mindful when you choose to indulge by setting limits on how much. Set your intention and stick to it. If you do not trust yourself to limit the amount, then choose a healthier treat or activity that will allow you to get the emotional, mental, or spiritual comfort you desire.
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