Are You Sick And Tired Of Trying To Lose Weight?

Then stop trying to lose weight and start focusing on being healthy. Be healthy in your mind, in your heart, and in your soul if you truly desire to reduce your weight. Start thinking, believing, speaking, and acting like a healthy person.



First and foremost, you must examine your thoughts and your patterns of thinking. You may be identifying yourself in negatives ways that are causing you to stay unhealthy. Your new identity must include healthy. Define what healthy means to you. Take some time to examine these four areas:

  1. Your beliefs
  2. Your thoughts
  3. Your patterns of thinking
  4. Your attitude


If you believe you can or believe you can’t, you are correct in both instances. Why is that true? For what we believe, eventually becomes our reality. Start believing you are a healthy person from this moment forward. I can be a healthy person in how I think, speak, and act. I will think about things that empower me. I will speak about things that inspire and motivate me to act in ways that reflect my healthy beliefs and thoughts. I am a healthy person who makes healthy choices consistently.

Four areas where you must start making healthy choices if you desire to regain your healthy state of being and living:

  1. What you choose to believe
  2. What you are choosing to think
  3. How you are choosing to think
  4. Which attitude(s) are you choosing to hold on to


The person that you spend the most time with on any given day is yourself. Are you aware that the conversations you are having with yourself may be contributing to your struggles to create sustainable lifestyle changes? Start to become aware of what you are saying to yourself or about yourself to others. Then rewrite the script. You have the power of the pen. What do you think is more inspiring and motivating: negative and critical words, or positive and encouraging words? I can tell you from experience, unloving words tear you down and cause you to lose hope. Unloving thoughts wear you down and unloving actions eventually break you down. Ultimately, your quality of life and total health are destroyed.


Start to ask yourself from this moment forward, Is this something a healthy person would do? There are so many areas where we can start acting healthier. Here are several areas:

  1. Putting more greens into your body daily
  2. Dinking enough water daily
  3. Getting adequate hours of sleep/rest daily
  4. Keeping your gut microbiome healthy
  5. Moving your body more
  6. Nourishing your soul
  7. Being mindful of your FQQ
  8. Changing the content of your daily self-conversations

Start with one until you get comfortable and know that you will be consistent going forward because it has become a part of your new healthy lifestyle. Then focus on another area. Be consistent with the small steps, and you will eventually reap the big results you desire.


Until you have consolidated your new lifestyle, each day you must break it down into manageable bites. Take it one day at a time. If that seems too much, then try one hour at a time. If that still seems too much, then try for one moment at a time. Remember to accept, detach, allow, be patient, and trust (A.D.A.P.T.) for your TOTAL HEALTH. Also, the right mindset A.C.C.E.P.T.S. instead of R.E.J.E.C.T.S.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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