Everyone knows this; yet, it remains a struggle for many to be consistent with the healthy habits.
The Little Things That Trip You Up
You woke up this morning with the intention of “being healthy”. You start off well and you are feeling confident; however, one hour later you get on the elevator heading out and you say good morning to the people on the elevator, and they ignore you. You get off the elevator and the thoughts start coming. “They are so rude.” “What is wrong with people these days?” “Why did they ignore me, is it a racial thing?” Pretty soon your thoughts take over and you get upset, and you think, “I’ll just grab a bite from the Deli,” even though you just had breakfast and you are not really hungry. However, you are:
- Thinking negative thoughts that may be totally untrue
- Believing that your thoughts are true
- Emotions are high: you are angry, disgusted, or sad
- Feeling unappreciated
- Feeling hurt and invisible
- Acting on your bets [beliefs, emotions, and thoughts]
My Thirty Year Journey To Self-Discovery
It is true what they say, “you can’t unsee what you saw,” well, it is also true that you cannot un-taste what you’ve tasted. That is my problem, I love the taste of food, healthy or unhealthy. Sadly, that is how the food industry traps you. That is also why pizza is the number one food in the world, it tastes good and in addition, it activates neurochemical and psychological responses in your body that keeps you coming back for more.
It took thirty years for me to come to terms with my eating habits and to understand the need for daily self-control and mindfulness if I wanted to be totally healthy. I impulsively and irrationally respond to what I am feeling by abusing food, in particular “highly processed carbohydrates”. For the life of me, I could not understand why I did that, I was so disciplined with most of the other areas of my life. Then I realized the importance of my M.A.P. Your mindset is an instigator behind a lot of your behaviors, and so too is your attitude. When those two are off kilter, more than likely your daily practices will consistently be unhealthy. Understand that your core beliefs are part of your mindset, which are the lenses through which you view everything.
Why Pleasure Can Destroy Your Health
Food is not the enemy! It is time to examine the reason(s) behind why you eat. If you frequently are not eating because of physiological hunger, that is cause for concern. If you are eating too much food in a setting, that is also cause for concern. Your body does not need as much food as you think to function optimally. Unfortunately, your body will adapt to the amount of food you feed it. Therefore, if you give it too much, it will expect and demand more. If you give it just enough consistently, it will be satisfied with just enough. If you give it too little, it will eventually adapt as well.
When You Consistently Do Unhealthy
You can occasionally make unhealthy choices, most of us has made an unhealthy choice or two. Unhealthy choices become health and life problems when you do them more than once in a while. When you consistently have beliefs, emotions, feelings, and thoughts that consistently lead to the same unhealthy actions, you will gain the same result: POOR TOTAL HEALTH. Most unhealthy actions get repeated because they provide some degree of pleasure. They also ease the spiritual angst, emotional discomfort, mental confusion, or physical distress that you may be experiencing, even if it is only for a brief moment. Remember, you create your emotions and feelings based on what you believe and think.
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