While this may not be high on your list of priorities, remember the lack of motivation is compromising your total health. Decide to get motivated today and use these tips to get you started.
The Negative Consequences Of Being Unmotivated
Think about this for a second: “What happens to a stagnant stone?” “What happens to someone who sits in the couch all day without moving?”
Perhaps it was nice not to have to get up and move much to get to work. Sure, many initially enjoyed not having to stress about catching the train or missing the bus. However, twenty-three months later and you are beginning to realize that the lack of movement has been detrimental to your total health [spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, and financial].
Lack Of Motivation Impacts The Health Of All 4 Pillars
- The lack of movement causes decreased metabolic rate.
- Many have lost their cardio-conditioning and fitness.
- Weight gain is on the rise, because of the lack of movement and increased consumption.
- A lot of us have been isolated and many are feeling lonely.
- Stress has increased from other sources: worrying about the uncertainty surrounding this viral pandemic and financial stress for many who have lost their source of sustainable income.
- Then there is depression that leads to a lack of MOTIVATION and the “What’s the use?” or “Why bother?” attitude.
- Many essential needs are not being properly met. Proper self-care has been shoved to the side as many shift their focus on how to make ends meet or take care of their loved ones.
- Many Christians struggling to hold on to their faith are finding it difficult to go to church or pray. A sense of hopelessness is increasing even in believers.
Engage Fully In The Moment To Begin Regaining Motivation
You are still alive and proper c.a.re. is the best defense against disease/dis-ease. When we lack motivation to pay attention to the basics of proper self-care, we compromise our total health and quality of life.
Believe that this pandemic cannot and will not go on forever. It will eventually end and how do you want to show up when this is over? The best defense is a healthy and loving offense. I certainly do not want to lose the results of my hard work and efforts to get totally healthy.
Shift your focus by helping someone. There is always someone else who can use a helping hand, a kind word, or simply someone to listen. Helping others gets you moving out of your own stagnant state.
Count your blessings and cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Think of all that you have to be grateful for. Really reflect on that, and if you can’t find anything, you are missing what is right before your eyes.
Is Your Life The Story You Want To Be Telling?
Is your life reflecting your beliefs and values? It is a story of abundance or paucity? Perhaps it is a story of fear instead of love? Maybe you are unaware that your story conflicts with your beliefs and values. Remember to be mindful and periodically check the M.A.P. and G.P.S. you are using daily.
Your MINDSET colors your perspective. If you have a rejecting mindset then it’s quite easy to stay unmotivated. Your ATTITUDE flavors every decision you make. An ungrateful attitude leads to resentment, anger, jealousy, and a slew of negative emotions. As we know, negative emotions create negative feelings which fuel your choices and behaviors [your daily PRACTICES]. Learn to recognize when negative beliefs, untruths about self, are cropping up.
Choose To Live Abundantly Moment By Moment
- GAIN clarity about your IDENTITY
- UNDERSTAND you have a CALLING [the course you must follow to fulfill your purpose]
Live your life abundantly with passion when you know your P.I.C.!
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