The first thing to recognize is that habits are unhealthy for four reasons. The second thing to understand is that all habits are created the same way. Third, you must understand that there are two components to some habits. Fourth, you must be prepared to be patient, occasionally surf the wave of some discomfort, and be clear about why it is important to change the unhealthy habit. Finally, always remember to come from a place of abundance and love.
Knowledge is power and sometimes it gives you the advantage when you understand how something works. Habits become unhealthy when:
- You no longer have control over the habit
- You believe, feel, or think you cannot live without the habit
- The habit is compromising your spiritual, psychological, physical, or financial health [your total health]
- The habit is negatively impacting the life of others
Remember to take some time to read and digest the information because sometimes it is a lot to process. This also allows you to gain a different perspective, which may help you find a better solution.
Habit Formation Generally Follows The Same Process
All habits are created the same way; therefore, when you make the decision to change a habit, understanding the process will give you the advantage. The stages of habit formation are:
- A cue [something triggers your habitual action]. This could be a feeling, thought, incident, life experience, or media driven.
- Repetition is a prominent part of habit formation, the more you do something the more it creates a neurological groove.
- The reward you get from the action is the driving force behind your habit [the reward may be spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, or financial].
- Habits serve a purpose
There Is A Physical As Well As Psychological Component To Some Habits
Have you ever tried to stop drinking coffee? Do you remember the nausea, the headache, the cloudiness in your head? Those were the physical, physiological, changes that results from the habit of drinking caffeine. Take another example: sugar. Have you ever tried cutting out sugar from you diet? Did you feel lethargic, headachy, and poor cognition? Now let’s consider the psychological component of the habit. It is the emotional and mental aspects of some habits that make them difficult to break. When you add in the fact that your habit has become linked to Dopamine, Oxytocin, Endorphins, or Serotonin, you can see that changing your habit requires a mindful approach.
The Process Of Changing An Unhealthy Habit
It is important to believe that changing an unhealthy is possible and then you must understand that it takes time, patience, and consistent commitment.
- Understand your triggers and be especially aware of when you are most vulnerable.
- Know what needs are being met by the habit [pay attention to the reward you gain, and the purpose served by your habit].
Once you know these two things, then you can create an effective plan. When I am tired, I will rest instead of binge eating to gain a transient surge of energy. When I am anxious, I will do a mindful pause or a breath meditation. Insert the healthy action that will give you the healthier reward and serve the same purpose as your unhealthy habit. Remember the reward must feel equal to the one the unhealthy habit provides, and you must also feel that the healthy habit serves a more important or better purpose. This is why it is imperative to have clarity about your purpose for wanting to change the unhealthy habit.
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