What state do you currently exist in?
Are you living in the present, the now, or have you permanently relocated to the past? Perhaps you have decided that the future is a much better place/state to be.
When you exist in any state other than the present/the now, you are doing just that. You are existing and NOT living, which has the potential to increase your level of anxiety, fear, anger, stress and worry. Do not get me wrong; I am well aware that the present is looking a tad scary, but it is all that we have. When you wish away the present, you would have wished away a significant portion of your life that you will never be able to get back.
Start using this time in ways that can make it more enjoyable for you by becoming aware of all the things you have to be grateful for right now.
- You are still alive
- There is still hope
- This season will not last forever
- This is an opportunity for you to love and grow
Pay attention. Really start taking an active interest in yourself and your loved ones. Notice the state of their lives and their current condition. Are you/they stressed; do you/they need some attention/nurturing?
Look for, notice the hidden gems around you, and start showing appreciation. The people you love and may have taken for granted. The friends who have stuck with you through thick and thin. The things you have accomplished despite the odds. The beauty of nature that is always present around us.
Rediscover your own buried treasures. Those talents, gifts, and skills you take for granted that once brought you so much joy. Dust them off and start enjoying them again (gardening, reading, playing a musical instrument, drawing, etc.). Or you can learn something new.
Share your bounty with those less fortunate. Reach out to those living alone. Check on someone who is not well and let them know that you care. NOW you are no longer just existing in fear; you are living in love.
be present and live fully in the MOMENT
Positive that this too shall pass. Life is a series of hills and valleys. Be patient and lean on God to guide you through this valley.
Respect for self and others by setting healthy boundaries. Treat yourself and each other with care.
Empathy for the suffering of self and others by being loving to self and others.
Strong in faith and the knowledge that God is ALWAYS in control and He always has your back.
Embrace the gifts and talents that you were blessed with and use them to bring joy not only to your own life but to those around you.
Nurture yourself and others by showing appreciation for your bounty and being grateful for their presence in your life. Be full of thanks, instead of being full of anger and fear.
Trust that this season of change is necessary for our growth and use it as such, remembering that nothing lasts forever, and this too will eventually end.
How do you want to come out of this season? Do you want to be destroyed by fear or be stronger with love? Despite what it looks like now, you can still make a positive choice, why not choose health, peace and joy? Why not choose to be living now in the state of abundance? There is so much to gain when you take a chance on love and you really don’t even have to do much, simply start with gratitude and c.a.r.e.
Care for yourself and others with compassion, acceptance, respect and empathy.
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