The painful hurts will always find a way to convince you that it’s okay to indulge in unhealthy behaviors. Remember that old adage, “misery loves company”? Well, that trunk full of hurts that you have been collecting over the years wants you to keep collecting more pain and suffering. As long as you are occupied with the painful hurts, you will no have time to fully embrace the healing power of love.
How Does All This Relate To Our Total Health?
I woke up this morning thinking about my struggles with weight over the decades. When I lost weight, it was with a concentrated effort to get the weight off, yet as soon as I eased up on my concentration the weight came back. I was curious to understand why. One day it literally dawned on me that the effort it took to lose weight was so draining that after a while I ran out of energy. Again, I asked myself why? This does not make sense, losing weight and getting to a healthy optimal weight is a good thing, it’s a loving thing to do for myself. So, why the struggle? The answer lies in my philosophy of TOTAL HEALTH. You cannot get totally healthy if there is structural damage in one or more of the four pillars of health.
Where Was My Structural Damage?
I hazard a guess that many of us that struggle with staying healthy, have some structural damage in one of these two pillars: spiritual and psychological. Unfortunately, for many of us, the strain placed on the other two pillars will often result in damage in all four pillars. Yet, before you panic and think this will be impossible to fix, pause, and take a breath, B.R.E.A.T.H.E.
How To Start Repairing The Damage
The first thing to decide, yes, it requires a decision from you, decide to start loving yourself. What does that mean? It means start to fully accept and embrace love. And you are thinking, “But I love myself.” That may be true, but you are not fully embracing love. You cannot fully embrace love if you are still firmly holding on to that trunk load of painful hurts. The painful hurts that you have been collecting over the years. The painful hurts that you pull out and revisit frequently, that rile you up and send you into a tailspin of emotions that cloud your thinking and your judgment.
Start Allowing L.O.V.E. To Heal The Hurt
I know, you have become attached to that trunk full of painful hurts. It has inspired you over the years to make some good changes, but it has also been the reason why you are not able to make sustainable total health changes. That trunk of painful hurts is weighing down, in the guise of being helpful by constantly reminding you what they did, it’s keeping you trapped in an exhaustive battle that leaves you too weary to focus properly.
Open your heart and mind to love, let love shine a light into the darkness and show you the beauty that is still beneath the surface. Until you allow love to heal your hurts, you will spend your life looking in that trunk for another reason and being totally healthy will never become a reality. Your choice is and has always been the reason for your health or your unhealthy state. If you genuinely want to be totally healthy, start choosing love today.
Don’t Focus On What He Or She Did
We live in a world where good and bad exist. Do not for one second think or believe that because you have chosen love, that it will always be a bed of roses. Remember, misery loves company. Unhappy and unhealthy people will consciously and unconsciously do things to encourage you to join them in their misery.
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