Look to your life. There are many examples of things at which you have succeeded. Look at the things that you have accomplished and really examine why you were able to accomplish those things. Change your beliefs, change your patterns of thinking, and start being the best version of you today.
I can speak from my own experience only. We tend to accomplish things that we have a great desire for and that we value on a deep and personal level. There is an intense emotional connection to that goal. It becomes your number one priority and focus until you have accomplished it. It seems puzzling that many of us do not prioritize being our BEST selves. We still do not understand that being our BEST necessitates being in optimal physical, spiritual, psychological, and financial health. We are still not realizing that there is no TOTAL HEALTH if one of our pillars is unhealthy because it stresses the other pillars unnecessarily. Gain clarity about why being the BEST you is so important and then believe you deserve to be the BEST you.
What comes first, the belief or the thought? What must you believe right now to BE the BEST version of yourself, the BEST you in every moment? Be open to love, be willing to be patient, be willing to BE still, be willing to trust that you can, and be willing to stop allowing yourself to CHOOSE unhealthy. Every day you make hundreds if not thousands of choices. Some you have set on automatic, and some you are fully present and engaged in daily. You make the choice even when you know it has consequences. Why? You are acting to fulfill your dream, desires, or needs. Often those are on a subconscious level. Are your actions still being directed by a program that is flawed?

It is not a lack of will power, it is not yet realizing just how powerful you truly are. It is also not accepting and allowing that power to guide and direct your steps. It is still wanting to be fully vested in your flesh. No matter how we phrase it or put it, the flesh will make fleshly choices. That is why we must utilize loving discipline to guide our flesh. You know it takes consistent behavior to achieve any goal. Now it is time to EXAMINE YOUR STORY.
- Why are you not being consistently healthy?
- What is preventing you from being consistently healthy?
- Who is preventing you from being consistently healthy?
Let’s look at reducing your weight. What is preventing you and why are you not being consistently healthy? The why is your belief and the meanings you have ascribed to your actions. The what is your inability to do so. The who is you! Notice your inability to do so is because of your beliefs and the meanings you ascribe to your actions. How does one gain ability? Practice, practice, and more practice. Hence the reason I am constantly stressing the importance of being consistent with the small steps. Do not be led by an unhealthy emotional state!! In every moment stop and check in, is this health oriented or towards the BEST version of me?
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