There is a saying that no one can make us do anything that is against our will. Yet sadly so many people who struggle with weight issues are doing things against their will. Thus, the question we must ask and answer for ourselves is why we consistently take action that causes us to be unhealthy. Why do you act in ways that prevent you from losing the excess fat?
You act in a moment when your judgment is cloudy, when you lack clarity. You act when you are not consciously aware that you are acting in a manner that is contradictory to your desired goal and purpose. What is the one reason why most people lose their clarity of thought and thinking? A lack of emotional intelligence and sobriety, which is further compounded by our inability to stand mindfully in the midst of our emotional tsunami. Most people think that it is crazy to talk to yourself; however, whether you want to accept it or not, you have been talking to yourself constantly over the years. In fact, I guarantee that it is the negative conversations that you have been having with yourself that has led to your weight issue. We have got to LEARN to feel without taking action.
The foundation of any sustainable transformation must include honesty, integrity, truth, and love. You must be honest with yourself about self and your TOTAL HEALTH. Lying to self is never going to bear healthy fruit. We can give our word to others, yet we struggle to keep our own self promises. Why do we value ourselves less than we value others? Truth may be the hardest for most people to deal with; therefore, it requires your attention.
- What is the truth about my weight issue?
- What is the truth about my pattern of behavior?
- What is the truth about my thinking?
- What is the truth about my beliefs?
When we learn to accept, it is not that we are saying our choices are healthy. Acceptance allows us to make peace with ourselves, which helps to calm the emotional tsunami. Acceptance says I love me unconditionally.
Everyone knows what an unhealthy relationship looks and feels like. Take a moment right now and examine your relationship with food. Before you answer the following questions, understand that FOOD can and has ever only been able to meet one NEED.
- Do you think about food all the time?
- What are the negative consequences of food you ignore because of the positives?
- Does food make you feel guilty and ashamed?
- Are you enslaved, controlled by food?
Anything that controls us is our master. That is a truth on which you must reflect. No one should be controlled by anyone else or anything. Why have you given FOOD so much power in your life? As a child of God, you see how that contradicts your Christian beliefs. The only being that should have control of your life is God (Jesus Christ).
You have given your power away because you have CHOSEN, or frequently CHOOSE to walk in your flesh. This explains why you are in a weakened and vulnerable state, which can be easily manipulated through your physical senses. Our flesh is always contrary to our spirit. The battle you are facing is a spiritual battle for your soul. The question is are you willing to die to your flesh and walk in the Spirit?
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