You must commit fully to the change you desire.You have decided that you want to write a book, but you must commit with a certain level of consistency each day to make that book a reality. What are the tangible rewards you will get from writing this book that keeps you inspired and motivated? Now instead of writing a book, think reducing your weight. What are the tangible and intangible rewards you will get from reducing your weight?
Here is the thing about our psyche, it’s a bit of a trickster, so be on the alert. You are verbalizing one value and yet your actions totally contradict that value. Let’s say you value health, but in the moment, you need connection, intimacy, and comfort. When you are in spiritual alignment you would seek to connect intimately with God and let the Holy Spirit comfort you. However, when you are in the flesh, you are going to seek things of this world. Often you choose those things when you are not emotionally intelligent that will give you a transient change in your emotional state. You fail to realize or to remember that you can be in an empowering emotional state without the use of your favorite drug of choice (D.O.C.).
Change for many people can cause discomfort, or cause you to create feelings of anxiety, stress, or panic because there are still lingering remnants of limiting beliefs and dysfunctional patterns of thinking. Saying ‘NO’ to your default action that has caused you to gain excess weight will at first cause you to create some uncomfortable feelings. However, when you shift your focus to all the positives you gain from improving your TOTAL HEALTH, you will start to create more empowering feelings. Remember that feelings are transient, just like our thoughts, and if you DO NOT ENGAGE them, they will fade or drift away without you having to take any action at all. Thus, when you have renewed your mindset, healed your heart, and cured your soul, you will see things more clearly. The first time you deny your flesh it will scream ‘bloody murder.’ Ignore it!
If you have been losing weight and re-gaining the weight over and over again, you must realize that there is something else going on that needs to be addressed and healed. I propose that our excess weight is a manifestation of unresolved internal conflict. A conflict that continues to cause us to create emotions and feelings that we are trying to escape from in food, or whatever activity that has led to the weight gain or weight issue. You are eating to CHANGE YOUR emotional/feeling STATE! Understand that you do not need to eat to change your state. You can change how you feel by:
- Changing your thoughts
- Shifting your focus
- Moving your body
- Speaking truth and love
Winning the battle over your flesh leads to a certain sense of liberation. However, more importantly, you begin to tap into your spiritual power.
You still have not let go of your limiting beliefs, and you have not discovered compelling enough reasons yet to give you the leverage you need to be focused and determined that this time will be the last time. I cannot tell you your compelling reasons, for they are personal to you. Take some time to really EXAMINE YOUR STORY about your weight issue. What are you gaining by keeping the excess weight? More importantly, what have you lost because of excess weight?
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