Most of us do not like to feel those feelings that bring us down. That is a fact of life; however, it is also a fact of life that those feelings are a natural part of life. Furthermore, those feelings allow us to fully appreciate and embrace the feelings that lift us up and empower us. It is normal to feel sad and angry when someone you love dies. It would be abnormal if you were jumping for joy and celebrating after the death of a loved one. However, it becomes a problem for our health when we live consistently in an emotional/mental state that leaves us vulnerable to spiritual attack.
It is a known fact that humans choose to act when they feel discomfort or dis-ease. You will remove your hand from the fire immediately as you feel the pain and discomfort of being burnt. The problem arises when you become attached, addicted, to the remedy or cure for your pain, discomfort, or dis-ease. Furthermore, the problem begins when you choose a remedy that is not an appropriate treatment. Let’s take your relationship with food. When you FEEL emotionally upset, mentally agitated, financially distressed, or spiritual dis-ease, you use food as an inappropriate remedy. The problem is with time and repetition, you have become physically, spiritually, and psychologically dependent on food. You have developed an abusive relationship with food. When you are feeling without mindfulness, you will be more inclined to reach for the inappropriate remedy of food. When your mindset is incorrect, you will also be susceptible to the temptations of your flesh
Getting to the root of the problem requires that we each learn to take a hundred percent responsibility for our actions. Then you must understand why you are willing to keep choosing those actions. The reason you are willing to keep choosing those actions is because of what you believe. Some things you may be believing that leaves you vulnerable to making poor or unhealthy choices are:
- This is who I am
- I am too weak
- I am too old to change
- It is too late
- It is my comfort zone
- I cannot cope with my feelings any other way
- I do not deserve to be healthy/happy
- I blew it so why bother
When we love, we care effectively and deeply. Let us start with a fundamental need of every human being, we NEED love. We need love from God, self, and each other. The problem is that when you REJECT (a mindset that rejects) God’s love for you, by default you struggle to love not only yourself, but others unconditionally. Think about this, how often do you catch yourself saying or thinking the following:
- I am such a loser.
- Why can’t I be like Jane or Jennifer?
- I should do better than this
- I should know better than this
Learn that unconditional love does not have or set conditions. LOVE fully and unconditionally the person you are right now. Then you will be able to show compassion for and to yourself. Perhaps you were hungry, angry, tired, or empty emotionally or spiritually when you made that unhealthy choice. Forgive yourself and practice acceptance. Accept that you are human and will make mistakes from time to time. Making a mistake does not make you a mistake. Stop believing and thinking that you are a mistake. Create and respect the healthy boundaries you set for yourself and learn to show yourself some empathy.
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