As you ask yourself this question, you may be inclined to answer it literally: “I am in California,” “I am in New York,” or “I am in Pennsylvania.” However, I want to go beyond the literal meaning, I want you to examine the state or condition that you are in.
The State Of Your Total Health
Is it a state of love, joy, peace, contentment, and gratitude? Or, have you let circumstances disturb or destroy your equilibrium? I had to ask myself that question recently as I found myself struggling to feel at peace. Where was this angst coming from I asked myself. I was surprised to realize the things that can contribute to one’s level of dis-ease. Of course this can happen when we forget how to practice the art of acceptance and mindfulness.
Examine The Condition Of Your Pillars
When you examine your story, it requires time, honesty, being mindful of the truth, and love. Look carefully for structural integrity and damage. Some areas may be weakened because they are bearing the burden of other severely damaged areas. Because your mind, body, and soul are so intimately connected, damage in one area will eventually take a toll on the other areas of your life. No matter how good you are at compartmentalization, that compartment will eventually spring a leak. As with any structure, one must always remember also to check the integrity of the foundation. If your foundation is not love, renovating your structurally damaged pillars will be a recurring necessity.
The 4 Pillars That Need To Be Assessed
The fundamental philosophy of Best You Made Possible is total health. Total health is possible for everyone; however, it requires a willingness or desire to be totally healthy. Total health is defined as a state of optimal physical, psychological, and financial health, which is achieved when one is in complete spiritual alignment [spiritually healthy]. Many people think that means all roses and candy canes; yet, life is by definition fluid and dynamic. Some days remarkable things happen, while on other days good things happen, and still some days downright crappy things happen. Yet a totally healthy person is able to bend and adapt in joy, peace, and contentment without breaking. There is a calm sense of peace, which comes from the assurance that all will ultimately work out well. Still, you have a role to play, a response to life that allows you to live abundantly: your role is to embrace and share love fully.

How To Examine Your Pillars
We can often be our harshest critics. Also, when we have been using the same perspective to examine our story, we may keep seeing the same cracks and damage. Thus, one thing I found important as I got older was to shift my perspective. How does one shift their perspective? Gain knowledge, seek the truth, which then allows you to see where your thinking may have been toxic, or your beliefs have been limiting. When your thoughts become positively transformative and your beliefs build you up, one often finds it so much easier to have a constructive emotional response and by default healthier habits.
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