Before you turn away from this post, consider this, the drug of choice for a significant percentage of the world is pleasure. It just takes the shape of people, places, or things. Anything or person that you use or indulge in to ease the boredom, discomfort, fear, or pain, has become the delivery system for your pleasure. Keep in mind, it may also be illicit drugs and it can also be activities [working excessively, gossiping, lying, controlling behavior, excessive eating, gambling, or shopping].
Many do it because humans are contradictory by nature. I like to say humans are pleasure seeking missiles. Still, it dawned on me recently that we have become enslaved by our flesh. That was a bit sobering when I thought about it. Many people proclaim that they want to be free, or that they are free, but it you are addicted to anything or anyone, you are NOT FREE! We want balance; however, we also want to have our cake and eat it as well. It can be done, if we remember to practice SELF-CONTROL, also known as discipline. Unfortunately, too many people feel if a little is good, then more is better, completely forgetting what got them in trouble in the first place.
You would be amazed at how much pain you can tolerate if you want something badly enough. Thus, the idea is to desire your TOTAL HEALTH badly enough. Sadly, too many people get motivated once their health has been compromised; however, we want to avoid this. It’s not too late to get totally healthy. Start where you are and take the time right now to:
- Examine your STORY
- Check the M.A.P. that you are using
- Inspect your G.P.S. to make sure it is functioning properly
Being totally healthy is not a choice, it is a necessity for your quality of life and for you to live abundantly. If joy, peace, and contentment are not regular daily companions in your life, then it is imperative that you pause, breathe, and examine your story. You may not like what you discover, but at least now you are giving yourself the opportunity to live abundantly.
The goal that was supposed to make you happy, fill the empty spaces, and bring satisfaction. Many people don’t accomplish their goals because they got distracted by the pleasure of people and shiny things. When you are able to single mindedly focus on your goal, then and only then will you achieve your goal. How do you focus on your goal without needing it? You gain clarity about your P.I.C. [purpose-identity-calling]. If you don’t know who you are, you won’t understand your purpose. Without purpose, you won’t know which direction [calling] to take to get to your desired destination. All life is a journey, everyone is moving in a direction to get somewhere [to accomplish something]. The question is: “Are you moving in the right direction, or have you gotten lost?”
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