A Powerful Three Word Affirmation That Can Change Your Life

Affirmations work when they are grounded in truth, and when you truly believe and know. Therein lies the problem. The issue is that many people DO NOT BELIEVE this affirmation. Yet, it is fundamentally true for everyone. This affirmation is not influenced by the people you know, the places you’ve been, your position, or your possessions. Reflect on the truth of this for a moment. Nothing you do or do not do can ever change the truth of this affirmation.



You are still convinced by the lies that you must DO more of something to BE enough. How much more do you think you will have to do to be enough? The unease or distress feelings you are creating are caused by your inability to accomplish or change something that cannot be accomplished or changed, because it is already complete and a reality. There is no way you can improve upon being enough. You do not believe it because you have expectations about what being enough should feel like. The awesome news is that you get to create your own feelings of being enough. Start by believing. Know that you are enough. Sure, you may have goals you want to accomplish but whether you accomplish those goals does not impact your state of being enough. Your state of “enoughness” is independent of any other thing and is not conditional on any other thing.


I read recently that the truth does not change simply because you do not want to accept it. The truth is you are enough; therefore, you know this truth and can no longer use it as an excuse. Try sitting comfortably for five to ten minutes. Close your eyes. Let your shoulders relax away from your ears. Breathe deeply through your nose into your stomach (diaphragm) to the count of four. Hold that breath for a count of two to four. Release slowly to the count of eight. Repeat until you let go. Repeat silently “I AM ENOUGH.” Now be mindful of the feelings that you create in response to that affirmation.

  1. What did you notice in your body?
  2. What thoughts popped up?

Failure to accept the truth is a recipe for unnecessary pain and suffering. Why would anyone want to create unnecessary pain and suffering? Sadly, that is all you know, that is your comfort zone. However, now you can believe and think better because you have been enlightened. You know the truth and you are now free to be enough.


Accept the truth that you cannot improve your state of enoughness. Now start living the life of someone who is enough. Realize that your belief that you were “not enough” has kept you trapped in mediocrity and unhappiness. You have been expending energy frantically trying to catch the train, completely failing to realize that you were already on the train. Recognize that your disease, that inner conflict, and tug-of-war going on internally were all tied to this false and limiting belief. Your emotional tsunamis may have been created because of your erroneous belief that you were not enough and the realization that no matter how hard you tried you could not become enough. Here is the good news, STOP TRYING to be something you already are. There is no need to do more to influence your state of enoughness, just be who you are, enough. From this moment start creating the feelings of enoughness in your heart, mind, body, and soul.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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