Develop and nourish these two important relationships daily and you will begin to live abundantly and have TOTAL HEALTH in mind, body, and soul. I wish I had understood this years ago, but like most young people, I thought I knew it all and had the attitude that my mother had no idea what she was talking about.
Many Mothers Are Wiser Than We Think
Mothers are wiser in part because they have had similar experiences along the way, and they are trying to prevent their children from making similar mistakes. They are also much wiser than we give them credit for because they often know us better than we know ourselves. Trying to convince someone that you know what you are talking about can be difficult if the person is not willing or open to a different perspective. Trying to help someone grow into their full potential can also be difficult if pride or a low sense of self-worth is the issue.
Our Sense of Worth Is Tied To These 2 Relationships
Our sense of self-worth often shows up in unexpected ways, and when you take the time to develop these two relationships, you will quickly come to appreciate your true worth. You will realize that your self-worth has nothing to do with your skills, talents, connections, or possessions. Those things are lovely bonuses; however, our self-worth is inherently tied to one fundamental truth: “We are children of the great I Am!”
The Two Most Important Relationships We Need To Nurture
What then are these two important relationships that we need to develop, nourish, and nurture? When you develop the first relationship, it is often that much easier to develop the second one. The most important relationship is our relationship with JESUS CHRIST.
The second important relationship is our relationship with SELF.
The FIRST and MOST Important Relationship
Understanding why we need a healthy relationship with Jesus is particularly important. Most people always want to know why is this important, or why should I do this. We are relational beings, and the fundamental relationship we were created to have was an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Many people feel a yearning for something, never quite realizing that it’s a need to be filled and fully satisfied with God’s unfailing love. So they spend their lives chasing after people, places, and things, never quite understanding why they are still unhappy and dissatisfied.
How You Develop Your Relationship With Christ
We have to start somewhere, and the best place to start is by spending time with Jesus. But first we have to:
- Acknowledge that He is our Lord and Savior
- Know that the Bible is His words of guidance, love, and wisdom
- Know the character of our Lord and Master
- Trust implicitly in His sovereignty and providence
- Take all our cares to Him
- Fully surrender our will to Him
- Demonstrate our love by being obedient and patient
- Fill our heart, mind, and soul daily with His abundant love
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