Of course, the caveat is that when we are younger, we think that we know everything. However, I am here to tell you that your elders have more experience, and by default more knowledge. Unfortunately, they may not have more wisdom if they choose to not live what they know. If you know it burns when you put your finger in the fire, then be wise and avoid putting your finger in the fire. Yet, we all have a fire-temptation in our lives.
The 12 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 20
- You don’t know everything, you still have a lot to learn, and there are some things you will never know
- Be discerning about the people you call your friends
- There are just some things you cannot control and must accept
- Your past, good or bad, is over, take the good and leave the rest
- Your parents made mistakes because they are human just like us
- There is only one source of truth – the Bible
- You are loved unconditionally by your Heavenly Father
- Do not be conformed to this world; therefore, learn to walk in the Spirit
- Evil exists, but God is love and good and is greater than evil
- Life is constantly changing; however, the fundamentals stay the same [love God, self, and each other]
- Spiritual health and growth are absolutely essential to your quality of life and total health
- Your worth is defined by your status as a child of God and not by your possessions or worldly status
Sharing The Lessons Learned
While many may read this list and raise an eyebrow or two, remember, this is just my perspective and based on what I have lived and learned. You may want to add or remove some things from this list; however, keep in mind that the truth is unchanging [you cannot live a fulfilled life without LOVE].
Learn to view life as a daily learning experience. Thus, there are some things you need to be reminded of, some things you will forget, and some things you may never use. The one thing I will leave you with is that fear is not your friend. If you are not living in a state and from a state of love, you are not living fully. You are not living abundantly. When you remember that Love is in control and wants only the best for you; how can you not embrace and fully trust Love? There is a lot of knowledge to be gained and a lot of it is not in a textbook.
Life’s rhythm is dynamic and not static, so get comfortable with riding the wave if you want to maintain your joy, peace, and contentment. You will also live in a state of maximum joy, peace, and contentment because you know that love always has the best for you. Thus, do not fear, do not worry, and do not stress; instead, live in love and leave the consequences to God.
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