You see, I know this well. Doubt does not always present in the way that most people think. There is of course the classic presentation. You are consciously aware that you doubt what you see or hear. In essence you do not believe it is real, valid, or true.
Doubt That Derails Us Is Hidden
The doubt that can derail us is often buried in our subconscious mind and we have to go looking for it. If we do not weed it out, prune it out so to speak, we will find that certain patterns keep re-occurring in our lives. Again, I speak from over thirty years of living with this doubt. There are two types of hidden doubt that you need to gain clarity about.
2 Types Of Doubt That Trip Us Up
As usual, they are linked, because if you have the first, you will more than likely have the second. However, you can have the second, and not have the first. Therein lies the rub of problematic thinking patterns. The two types of buried doubt:
- Doubt about God’s sovereignty
- Doubt about your worth
Doubting God’s Sovereignty
It is probably not your intent to doubt in God’s supreme power over the universe. More than likely this occurs because you have gotten caught up in the valley of doubt due to some unforeseen circumstances in your life. Perhaps things have not gone the way you anticipated. Despite your best efforts you cannot seem to get on solid ground. Thus, you start to question why God is not changing your circumstances. I have a few things to say about this:
- God may be trying to test your faith and grow you up
- Your God is no longer Jesus Christ, instead you worship people, places, and things
- You have chosen to forget God’s blessings
- Your life may be the result of choices you have consciously or unconsciously made
Are you choosing to please SELF instead of God?
Have you chosen to listen to the wrong people, instead of seeking the truth daily in the Word?
Doubting Your Worth
While you may believe in God’s sovereignty, you may struggle to believe that you are worthy enough for God to care about. That of course is wrong thinking. God loves you unconditionally, just as you are. He chose to bring you into this world, and He does not make mistakes. Sadly, you may have allowed your experiences to warp your thinking. You have managed to let other people convince you that you are not worthy. Worse, you have start to tell yourself that you are not worthy, completely forgetting that your worth has nothing to do with your position, circumstances, or possessions. You are WORTHY simply because you are a child of God.
Get Out Of Doubt And Live In Love
Start living abundantly as you were meant to live. Unfortunately, again I know this is not as easy as it sounds because you have to unpack all the negative luggage you have been travelling with. You have to prune out all the deeply buried emotional roots of resentment, anger, guilt, and shame [r.a.g.s]. Then you have to heal the wounds, with your P.A.L.: patience, acceptance, and love. When you LOVE God, you will learn to love self, because you come to realize that God is a part of S.E.L.F. [spiritual being empowers by love our fleshy being to live abundantly]. The spiritual being dwelling in you always is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will empower you by LOVING you unconditionally to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. Believe, forgive, and set yourself free!
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