Embracing your moments, enhances your life. Thank you for touching my life, family, friend or stranger and making me a better person.

Be grateful for every life experience, because who you are is being shaped by those moments. You may think and feel that things are not quite where you want them to be; still, giving praise and thanks daily for what you have right now improves your mindset and your health.
Now is what’s guaranteed
Right now, is the moment that matters most, it is the greatest gift that you can receive. Receive it and embrace it with love and gratitude; that is you “living in the moment”. Remember the last experience that brought a smile to your face and joy to your heart, that was one such “moment of living life at its fullest“.
appreciate the moments in the now
To everyone who has touched your life, give thanks. I learned that lesson the hard way recently, don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today. It is so easy to say, “thank you”; say it and do it daily with love.
your moments mold your character
You are continually being shaped by every encounter and experience. Big or small, good or bad, those moments collectively mold you. Embrace those moments because they are teaching and growing you. Learn to take the positive from every experience and you will gain your greatest joy (contentment).
stop asking AND start living now
I used to ponder “Why?”. Now, I am beginning to comprehend. Whatever your purpose in life, your experiences are designed specifically to prepare you for the accomplishment of that purpose (start appreciating those experiences as opportunities for personal growth and development).

What beautiful examples for how to live your life. Great words of inspiration.
Thank you,
Thank you for stopping by and reading. My pleasure to share what little wisdom I have gained over the years. My hope is that it will help someone achieve their goal(s).