Most people desire to be healthy; yet based on the current statistics, a significant percentage of people are UNHEALTHY. Two of the reasons we remain unhealthy are an unwillingness to renew our mindset and the inability to change our attitude.
The interesting thing is that it is not a lack of knowledge, because I honestly believe everyone knows what to do to be healthy. The obstacle is that many do not fully embrace and accept the truth. You can know something is true, but if you do not BELIEVE it is true, you will not reap the positive benefits. If you do not apply the truth, you also will not reap the benefits. Thus, the question must be asked, “Why does one not believe the truth?”
Here is an awesome truth that many of us either do not believe or fail to remember: “For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but a Spirit of power, love, and a strong mind.”
Yet so many people exist in a state of powerlessness. I was guilty of this for decades. This state is the result of two things: lack of self-love and lack of self-worth. So where are you right now? Do you BELIEVE you have amazing power within you? Have you FORGOTTEN that there is power within you? The Bible tells us if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. Having faith in the Holy Spirit is an ABSOLUTE necessity for any success in your life. Whatever you are trying to change in your life and health, the power of the Holy Spirit can empower you to take the daily steps to effect that change. Yet, remember, there will be bumps along the way; therefore, patience is required.
Our source of abundant love is Jesus Christ. He gifted each of us with the Holy Spirit to teach us and show us love. After you have loved God with all your heart, mind, and soul, it is a NECESSITY to love yourself. I genuinely believe the reason we cannot LOVE one another, is because we do not love ourselves unconditionally. Consider this for a moment, TRUE LOVE is patient, kind, faithful, good, compassionate, generous, accepting, respectful, and empathetic. Have you been patient, kind, good, compassionate, generous, accepting, respectful, and empathetic to yourself? If you are unhealthy, I say the answer is NO.

A strong mind is not easily swayed and lives by its values and principles. There is no doublemindedness where you change your attitude and behaviors frequently based on your EMOTIONAL and MENTAL states. This strength, while it may mean physical strength, is more than physical strength. This is spiritual strength that helps us to be strong mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. It is strength to persevere despite obstacles, endure in the face of fatigue, and resist the daily temptations of our flesh, the world, and the devil. This strength enables us to make the sacrifices that are required to benefit our TOTAL HEALTH.
The mistake many of us makes is thinking that we can have the same attitude and succeed. I had to accept the reality that my attitude was a huge part of my struggles with excess fat. Being HEALTHY is a daily practice, which has many healthy steps.
- Start by really examining WHAT you believe.
- Look closely at HOW you think.
If you are not willing to commit to your health, it will be difficult to CONSISTENTLY take the healthy steps in each moment. Making a lifestyle change means you are not GOING back to the old lifestyle. It is also learning to treat yourself with unconditional love and acceptance in each moment.
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