How You Identify Yourself Is Key For Your Success

I propose that not only must you change your identity if you desire to successfully achieve your goals, but you must also gain clarity about your real identity. If you do not believe in Jesus Christ, this might not resonate; however, if you are following me, you believe or you are desiring to learn about our loving Heavenly Father.



Sometimes you need to see or hear things put a certain way before it clicks. I have known that I am a child of God for decades; however, this morning I read something, and it was, BAM! Your real identity as a Christian is that you are a child of God. Why was it important for me to understand this? Why is it important for you to understand this? As children of God, there are certain characteristics we must display, certain behaviors do not align with being children of God, and there is a certain mindset that is present in children of God. Okay, but why is that important? EXAMINE YOUR STORY! Are your decisions, choices, and behaviors reflecting the identity of a child of God? That was the aha moment that grabbed me this morning.


Here is the kicker, a child of God is a child of love, abundant love. Are your decisions, choices, and behaviors demonstrating love of self and others? Love erases fear, if chronic fear, anxiety, stress, and worry are still your daily companions, you have not yet fully embraced your identity as a child of God. In other words, a child of God should not be existing in a state of scarcity and fear. As children of God, our source of everything is abundant God. Our God is a God who always meets our daily needs; therefore, there is no want (there is no lack) and by default there must be no fear.


We live our lives based on our beliefs. Our beliefs are tied to how we identify ourselves. If we do not have clarity about what being a child of God means, we can continue to live in scarcity and fear. When we exist in a constant state of fear, we are not empowered to make healthy or positive decisions. We tend to frequently seek our D.O.C., which further compromises our health. Thus, it is important to accept your identity and understand the benefits you already have as a child of God.


Right off the bat you know that you are loved unconditionally. You have also been forgiven for all your sins; however, this is not a license to indulge in sin. This one was important to me, despite all that I have done, God still accepts me unconditionally. You must believe that God is the great provider and sovereign leader and trust Him implicitly. Know that no matter what it looks or feels like, God can and will make a way. Here is where you need clarity, this does not mean there will not be any discomfort and frustration. However, you will be able to switch out of those defeating and weakening emotional states because you serve a God who is loving and all powerful.


We believe and it becomes our reality. You must believe you can live or are living abundantly to start living abundantly right now. Believe you are slim and healthy and start living healthier right now. Lose the fear that is blocking you; however, behind that fear is a belief that you must also lose.


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Susan Regisford, MD is a faith-based wholistic health coach who works with you to create a custom wellness plan. Through one-on-one sessions, she helps you clearly define your goals and achieve total health in mind, body, and soul. Connect with Dr. Susan to schedule your free 30-minute session today.
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