We cannot live abundantly on our own. This was something that took me decades to realize and come to terms with. I believed and thought that I could do this thing called life on my own. The result was a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering. In fact, these erroneous beliefs and problematic thinking contributed to my weight issues. The point is our beliefs IMPACT our life positively or negatively. Thus, we must be sure that our beliefs are spiritually in alignment with God’s will and truth.
One of our greatest gifts from our Heavenly Father is the Holy Spirit. This is a spirit not of fear, but of POWER, love and a strong mind. That is the power that we need to realize as children of God that we have within us. That is the power that will empower and enable us to do what needs to get done to achieve our goals. Yet, the caveat is that we do all things not from a place of paucity and fear, but from abundance and love. We can do this when we know some truths about our Heavenly Father. We can learn these truths in the Word, from a trusted spiritual guide, or pastor.
Part of the problem for many believers in Jesus Christ is that we have forgotten these truths. We have become distracted by the shiny things of this world and spend our money, energy, and time accumulating more and more. Sadly, despite this, many of us are unhealthy and unhappy. For we believe and think, consciously or subconsciously, that things will make us happy or satisfy us.
- The truth is ONLY God can satisfy us on the level that we desire. Therefore, it behooves us to develop a healthy relationship with Jesus Christ.
- The peace that surpasses all understanding can only come from God.
- God’s love is UNCONDITIONAL.
- No one can stand against the POWER and MIGHT of the Holy Spirit.
- We CANNOT walk in the flesh and expect to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.
- We must be fully surrendered to God’s will and not our will.
- TRUST without reservation or doubt in the POWER of the Triune God.
- We were NEVER created to make this journey solo.
- God’s timing is ALWAYS perfect.
- KNOW that you were created to LIVE ABUNDANTLY.
Whether we believe it or not, there is a battle going on between our flesh and the Spirit. The flesh wants what is wants, which by the way has nothing to do with our health. Remember my article on the fruit of the Holy Spirit? When we are walking in the Spirit, we can access that POWER, that LOVE, and have a STRONG MIND.
We need that power to endure and persevere. That love we access is the love that allows us to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. It also allows us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, selflessly. The strong mind comes into play when faced with lies and deceptions. This allows us to remember that we can resist our flesh, and we can combat the lies with the truth of God’s enduring love, power, might, and providence.
We have access to the greatest power in the universe and yet we foolishly allow ourselves to be enslaved by our flesh, the world, and the devil. It is time to wake up! With man it is impossible; however, with God, EVERYTHING is possible.
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