I go back to my story of getting on my knees and crying out to God, “Where is the abundant life you promised me?” Fast forward to 2025 and I finally realized your living abundantly is a choice you MUST make in each moment. Know that with repetition it becomes second nature, and finally it becomes you. However, until you get to that point, you MUST be mindful of the choices you are consciously making and of the unconscious choices that drive your actions/behaviors.
I am not saying that the world and others do not play a role, what I am saying is stop giving them the power and the control to write your story. Remember, your story is your life and if you are not happy with the current state of your life, it is time to re-write your story. It is the first month of the new year and as I look back at 2024, I want to pull the cover over my head and pretend it did not happen. The issue with that is pretending does not negate the reality that it has happened and ignoring it prevents you from living abundantly.
When I ask these questions, I am speaking to you as well as to myself. I go back to the word, clarity. More specifically, clarity about your purpose, identity, and calling (P.I.C.). Then we take it another step further, you must have clarity about why these matter to you and what truly inspires you. It is important to know what inspires you. The power of inspiration will keep you going when your body wants to quit. When the doubts crop up and the obstacles seem to be present in every direction you turn, clarity and inspiration will help you persevere. The funny thing is I knew this; however, somewhere along my journey, I lost my focus, and I forgot the truth. Here is a little trick, have a morning meditation practice. Meditation will help you clear out the cobwebs and regain clarity. Then you will adjust your attitude and practice being fully engaged in living the day abundantly.

I am not writing anything that you have not heard before. Perhaps I am phrasing it a different way or using some different words; however, the concept is still the same. Each life, and the condition or state of each life, is a result of the cumulative choices we have made over the years. The point is every action we take has consequences. Unfortunately, some consequences are not good or healthy and they stay with you for life. The truth is you were created to live abundantly. Sadly, many of us did not understand what living abundantly really meant. It is not an abundance of things or experiences. While you may have those things and experiences, living abundantly is the optimal STATE of being. It is the state that allows you to act in ways that reflect the BEST version of you. Thus, when you are living abundantly you are more inclined to practice a healthy lifestyle, which leaves you in metabolic homeostasis and allows you to have optimal physical health and TOTAL HEALTH.
First you must make the decision that this is what you want. You also need to understand why this is the BEST state for you. Be able to visualize yourself living abundantly. Know that what you gain from living abundantly far exceeds what you must sacrifice in the short term. You let go of mediocrity and unhealthy behaviors when you fully embrace the abundant state.