With a few rare exceptions, most of us were created healthy. Somewhere along our journey, we developed habits that caused us to become unhealthy. We developed these habits because we repeatedly chose an action which gave us temporary relief from our internal distress or dis-ease. Sadly, we did not realize that those habits would later contribute to spiritual, psychological, physical, and financial problems.
For decades I knew something was out of alignment with me. I was thinking negatively constantly and feeling internal dis-ease. There was a sensation that something was wrong; however, I could not clearly define it. I became addicted to the gym, but the thing about exercise is that you cannot live at the gym. Thus, it is not a surprise that I discovered that food would give me the same fix and I could eat all day. Not a great solution because I started gaining weight and got on the diet roller coaster. Something was very WRONG. How could I be so disciplined in every other area of my life but the one area I needed the most discipline, I kept failing miserably.
Weight issues are symptoms of spiritual misalignment, which causes internal dis-ease that will eventually become psychological and physical disease if we do not get back in alignment. It is spiritual, for it is grounded in our beliefs about self. Self, which is a creation of the Triune God, is unique and beautiful. Self is always ENOUGH. Yet many of us struggle with the belief that we are NOT ENOUGH. Renew your mind with the truth. The truth is you are ENOUGH, VALUABLE, and WORTHY. Yet, you must truly believe this for yourself. It is spiritual because we struggle with fully believing in the power of the spirit within us or we doubt that we are deserving.
Go back to the basics, pick up your Bible and read. If that seems too challenging, use a devotional Bible, which can break down the Bible into to consumable portions. Also, look to your church pastor or priest, or your Christian friends. Something I do is read the daily devotional that comes from intouch.org. When we are back in spiritual alignment, we view life and the world around us with clarity grounded in the truth. The truth is that God is in control and has plans to prosper you. He wants us to live abundantly and free of worry and fear. If you find yourself living constantly in worry and fear, you are out of spiritual alignment. Yet, we must recognize that living abundantly does not mean there will not be trials and tribulations. Living abundantly means we act from a state of abundance in the midst of our trials and tribulations.
We all have doubts; however, when we linger in doubts, we find ourselves becoming worried, anxious, and stressed, which takes a toll on our physical bodies. Many people turn to food for comfort, which leads to excess weight. Learn to stop using food as a reward or a coping mechanism. It may be beneficial to practice the art of mindfulness. Remember, emotions and feelings are fleeting and are the result of your CORE beliefs and your THOUGHTS and PATTERNS OF THINKING. Changing your health and life is possible when you realize the work must begin on the INSIDE with the renewing of your mind, the cleansing of your heart, and the purification of your soul.
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